[b]New Terra: a planet twice the size of Earth with a balanced ecosystem suitable for human life. Home of the New Terran Republic and humanities refuge.
Earth: Birthplace of humanity and the most contested planet in the galaxy. Once the prized jewel of humanity, now after alien invasion and terraforming the planet is slowly recovering as humanity returns to colonize the lawless world after the final battles
The Alamo: Flagship of the New Terran republic and the preserver of human life, The Alamo led the remnants of humanity to New Terra. Whereabouts currently unknown [/b]
Murphy stands aboard his new ship and stares into space as he contemplates his future
*A stray frigate orbits around New Terra...it looks abandoned* *Hologram pops up* "Hello? Will the commander of that ship please respond! Hello! Respond or we will fire on you! 3.....2....-" *The ship explodes creating an EMP* "EMP! Brace for impact!" *The station turns dark* "Get the systems back online! I have a bad feeling about this." *Soldier in the back* "Sir we have boarding crafts locked onto the station...they have a bomb." *Hologram turns around* "If they destroy this station....NT is open for grabs by anyone who can hold a gun. Defend this station soldiers!" *Multiple men run towards the orbital dock*