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7/18/2015 7:20:03 PM

A soldier's thoughts on Caitlyn Jenner's bravery award

Hopefully this will shut some bigots the -blam!- up. Bravery is not a competition and heroism is something to achieve, not to be debated or diminished because of sex, gender, profession, or number of people involved.

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  • Who is Caitlyn Jenner?

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    1 Reply
    • Remember that time Caitlyn Jenner was driving too fast and ended up hitting the car in front of her into oncoming traffic, killing the driver? True bravery is not facing any punishment for that because she's a celebrity.

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      22 Replies
      • Personally I don't think she deserved it. I look at the runner up and her and I'm like wtf?!?! The runner up was a soldier that lost his arm and leg and is still doing shit. Yet all she did was choose to become a female?... that makes me just wonder wtf is happening to our society and I'm Canadian ffs. Soldier that fought for his country and lost half of his limbs lost to a Transgender? When the hell did being Transgender become more deserving of a courage award than him? Like honestly I got no problems with Transgenders, do what you please but it is not by any means something that is astonishing.

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        11 Replies
        • Oh bnet. How you froth so violently at the mouth for someone you'll never meet winning an award you didn't know existed 1 month ago. With your ridiculous "arguments" on how X person deserves it more, or how Y person from the same transgendered community should receive it, or whatever other ridiculous points you pull out of your ass so you can show the internet how retarded you are and so other bigots can rally to your argument so you feel validated in your antiquated thoughts. Oh bnet

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          17 Replies
          • Yes an attentions whore Olympian with nothing more than first world problems who skirted any punishment for vehicular manslaughter and who hasn't been relevant to sports in the past 20 years deserves an ESPY award. Right...

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            22 Replies
            • At the end of the day He/She only got the award because He/She was famous. And personally I [i]abhor[/i] Favoritism.

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              3 Replies
              • I think it's great she got the award. It not only recognises her, but every other transgender as well. I've known a couple of tansgenders and briefly met a few more, be it pre or post surgery, and they were all lovely people and far happier living as the opposite gender. But most of them were persecuted either by acquaintances, friends or even family when they came from a strict religious background. I like to think this award recognises everyone struggling with gender identity issues.

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              • Who the actual f*ck cares about Bruce Jenner, or any of them....

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                2 Replies
                • [spoiler]Sorry I just really wanted to use this.[/spoiler]

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                    Bravery award for what? He's a f***ed up individual who changed his sex like everyone else who are mentally f***ed up. What makes him so special? Because who his family is? Related to the -blam!-asians? Please explain to this me. I'm actually curious.

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                  • I believe Jenner should be in jail for manslaughter, not out winning awards for a sex change. I can only imagine how the family of the person he killed must feel about her death going without justice, and now this.

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                  • OP doesn't understand that there is no heroism in saying "I am actually a girl" and no bravery in defying society. It doesn't take a hero to voice an opinion that is politically correct. Literally everybody defies society in some way or other and I don't see anybody else getting rewarded for it. Quit trying to justify the SJW agenda.

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                  • It makes me sick to thinks that Caitlin Jenner gets that bravery award, over people who serve their lives to this country

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                    14 Replies
                    • Edited by YellowFlash01: 7/21/2015 4:58:13 PM
                      Why does Bruce look like a confused 67 year old man wearing a wig?Why does she sound like a man?Why is this cross dressing trendy granny dressed like a 20 year old slut?Bruce is an embarrassment and the only reason he took that award was because the clowns over at ESPN realized that nobody in America watch this shitty ceremony so they put Bruce in the category to boost the views.

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                      4 Replies
                      • Why is the word "bigot" used so gratuitously when someone simply disagrees? Sounds like a method to shut anyone with an opposing view down.

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                        20 Replies
                        • Jenner is not brave. He is not a good role model for the lgbt community. He held in who he "was" for 50+ years. He hid it. From everyone. Now that he's old he's finally ready to come out? That's not brave. ESPN just needed ratings. That's IT.

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                        • I think Trans need therapy to accept their bodies rather than mutilating it to fit an idea of themselves that they conjured up during a traumatic event But that's just me

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                          10 Replies
                          • I would want an award for cutting off my frank n beans too.

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                            1 Reply
                            • [b] [/b]

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                            • It's unbelievable how stupid americans are

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                              5 Replies
                              • Meek mill says Caitlyn really didn't use her penis.

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                              • Handing out awards for mental illness now? Cool.

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                                6 Replies
                                • Edited by Grunt Licker: 7/22/2015 1:27:55 PM
                                  Why should I care about a [i]shoulders[/i] opinion. It can't talk, they're just for support. Edit: I can't read

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                                • I think Bruce Jenner should be shot for crimes against society

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                                  3 Replies
                                  • Lmao yes, bravery is a competition when It comes to bravery awards. You're dumb if you don't think that

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