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7/18/2015 11:09:54 AM

Weapon Nerfs Explained

So I went back and read a weapon tuning update from earlier this year and it explained what we are seeing in this new weapons "rebalancing" that everyone seems to hate. [quote] "Why did you “nerf” my favorite weapon? Why not make the other ones better and leave mine alone?" Good question! Here’s why: We pay close attention to kill times in all game modes against all combatant types. If we brought up all the other weapons to account for lethality spikes that occur in specific situations, then our TTK (time to kill) would get faster with every patch. It is important to us to keep TTK values such that your arsenal feels lethal, but also both allows for some drama while you fight, and creates opportunities for counter-play when you’re being attacked. [/quote] This explanation is good enough for me til I get to actually play with the new patch but I still don't understand the Ice breaker nerf. I use it situational (rarely) but i still don't see why. Just like I don't see how it takes 4? Months of data to correct auto rifles.

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