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7/18/2015 10:04:38 AM
Only thing I really don't like about the weapon tuning patch is that fusion rifle damage wasn't buffed. I'm fine with the other tweaks for fusion rifles, they were pretty much right on, but I'd love to see fusion rifles to be the powerhouse it once was when it was easier to compete with shotguns with it. I remember me and my best friend would love our fusion rifles over our shotguns any day, now there's not as much point when shotguns are the clear winner. But I'm not going to complain too much about it until I try it out again with the new tweaks. Hopefully they're better upclose. But idk, kind of hard to say at this point. Happy with everything else though. Looks like we'll have a lot more varied guns now that the weapon classes are finally balanced out a whole lot better

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