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7/17/2015 8:33:05 PM

PvP has become a joke from what pre DLC'ers used to love.

Bungie, you cant force people to play with certain weapons, as a halo fan/ bungie community member i think we deserve equally balanced guns, not 2 burst red death, or sweaty kids booting others offline or lag switchers, simple fix for lag switchers is ban people with a 60%+ packet loss to your nearest server hosting room. And stop nerfing weapons because you are making weapons like badger CCL and another NITC from PRE dlcs resurface as king of pvp's. another idea would also be to please for the love of god ban gjallahorn from PVP. it ruins everyones fun because there is always that one kid who sits there in a corner waiting for the heavy ammo and that kid always is the luckiest and gets good loot. and please, it wouldnt hurt to sell no land beyonds and let the crucible quartermaster and vanguard quartermaster sell the pre dlc weapons because everyone enjoyed them. now bungie. one last message from your halo days. CAN I HAZ RECON PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ;) <3 brave :3

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