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7/17/2015 7:04:55 PM

Just got Thorn, now I'm crying...

I've always sucked at PVP. The last time IB was in town I decided that I wouldn't stop grinding until I finished the 500 point part of my Thorn bounty. One night I hit my stride. Don't know if it was me getting better, the group I was in, or just dumb luck. I stayed up so late that I only got 2 hours sleep before work. (I'm a full time working dad, so sleep is usually my last priority after family and Destiny.) At any rate, I finally completed the PVP part of the bounty. The next night I got my Thorn. I was ELATED. After months of being dominated by players with Thorn, I'd finally stand a chance in regular PVP. I've done well using Thorn over the last couple weeks, and I'm getting better. So much better that I'm starting to go into PVP outside of IB because I actually enjoy it now. Then I see today's nerf. *face-palm Am I going to go back to sucking at PVP? I invested an insane amount of time trying to get Thorn and learning how to use it. What now? I think it was fair in the first place. Yeah, Thorn dominated, but that pushed me to become a better PVP player. I grinded until I got it. Everyone gets a chance at an exotic bounty at some point. Why not just continue to let players aspire to something and evolve through the struggle?

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