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7/3/2015 8:50:49 AM

To all the "Nerf Thorn" posters

Anyone else notice that the flood of complaints about thorn needing to be nerfed only started after the last patch that killed ARs? Thorn was buffed months before that, yet there was far far less complaints. Why? Because there was more [i][b]balance[/i][/b] in PvP, and that's the key here, balance. There have been plenty of nerfs done in the game up to this point, and each one shifted the balance of weapon types in PvP, but the more things got nerfed, the less balance there actually was. Every day there's countless threads with people crying about thorn, and how op it is, but the problem isn't really thorn, the problem is that Pvp is very unbalanced right now. A nerf would do little to fix anything, in fact just nerfing thorn would only make people move on to the next op weapon, probably TLW, then red death/messenger, etc. More likely though, what would see is a nerf of all handcannons and they would become the next victims as ARs were before. PvP needs to be rebalanced properly, not just a nerf or two, we need to have the choice of using any primary weapon type and being able to kill just as well as someone using another, not being stuck using 3-4 weapons because the ttk on anything else leaves you at a disadvantage. TL;DR PvP needs total rebalancing, nerfing a single weapon won't fix anything.

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