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6/29/2015 1:57:00 PM

Why is it soooooo laaagggyyyyyyyyy

Yes I had similar problems


No my internet is absolutely fine


I pick this option cause Bungie is dead


Last month I remember having decent connection with everyone else and having a decent game each time, normally positive KD (and the negative kd from time to time). Now this month it's entirely different. Everyone is teleporting all over the place, my headshots count as body shots, Body shots either miss (when I know its a clear shot) or say immune. Most importantly some rumble games I find the guy in last is doing horrible and when its 5 kills left to win all of a sudden they are mopping up the floor teleporting away from my shots and make it too first in less then 2mins. Is anyone else having this issue or is it just me? Take note I play on Xbox 360. (please choose in poll, otherwise comment, or both! Just pick your poison already...) (On a side note: You would expect Bungie would make a weapon balance by now and change up the game a bit, yet they have done little to nothing. Admit it. Bungie is a husk now, and what's crawling around inside is none other then Activision. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Activision is calling the shots this whole time and using Bungie at a shield. Making a Overpriced DLC (apparently it's $70 for Australia, please please please prove me wrong) that is no doubt the size of Crota's End and as disapointing as HoW's PoE. Not giving dedicated servers to destiny which mind you over 16 million players registered to play link is here: and of course the biggest problem, they still haven't done anything about weapon balance. Advanced Warfare had a similar problem known as the ASM1 and everyone's favorite CoD game: Call of Duty Ghosts. Also known as the MTAR-X. (take note that these guns are the ones that pop up for me the most in those two game and I investigated and people had actual statisics and tests proving that these guns need nerfing, sounds familiar in destiny huh.) Obviously there is something up here and sounds relative to Call of Duty in some ways, although this is all my opinion, nothing to do with the post's intention what so ever LOL)

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