I'm here to set the world ablaze.
200 Vanguard marks for 1 Etheric Light
200 Crucible marks for 1 Etheric Light
This would have an automatic weekly cap since you can't earn 200 a week.
Boom. Best idea ever made. Bring it.
EDIT: I want to thank everyone for their support for this idea. Even the people who disagreed politely. I have no illusions that this idea will ever be implemented, but it's still nice to see that I'm not the only person here who thinks this could work.
Thanks again for the support and keep bumping and liking this post.
[b]EDIT: Etheric Light is no longer viable as Bungie has lost their damn minds and won't be allowing us to ascend legendary gear.[/b]
Yes Yes Yes. What else am I supposed to do with my 200 crucible marks weekly.
Just realized you made this post because you're too cheap to buy HoW. You don't have access to Prison of Elders, Trials and nightfalls. Hahaha git gud scrub
Edited by Sparky: 8/3/2015 7:57:45 PMEven better idea, let us trade in our 100+ etheric light for some motes of light.
Double Deej Sunday Bump
Troll Bump
Still not trending BUMP
Bump for lifeee
You can gain EL from PvP and PvE so they have catered to everyone why is there a need for it to be sold?
Agree! Bungie, if you ever get the chance to hop off each others' dicks, you should take this into consideration.
Yes it's a grind to get stuff, but I made the decision to delete my Titan when the house of wolves came out as I preferred the hunter and I have played with one character up until now. But even with just one character I got all the weapons I wanted ascended and I'm now doing up my armor. And I have been happy with that as I have been able to help my mates get there characters upto level 34, as I was a level 34 in the first week. I have got another hunter now as I want it for when the taken king comes out to help get my main character upto the new level quickly in the taken king. I know it is a grind but how bungie sees it if you have everything to quickly you won't keep playing the game. I never played iron banner until I found out you could get 2 etheric lights from it. So they dangled the carrot and got me into the crucible to do something I don't like so they won and I won as I got what I needed and I'm still playing the game. So leave it as it is or do the grind with 3 characters
They are so easy to get. You can earn 6 a week guaranteed in pve And now with iron banner and stupid trials of gaysirus you can gat huge amounts every week
Good idea
Iron Banner sucks BUMP
Do people still have a hard time getting etheric light?
Etheric light is already easy to get. That would make it too easy.
That's a good idea. Especially for people who have no more use for marks. I only use mine to buy resources.
Bump it back to LIFE!
I bet they do this in their next expansion. You know... the one that will make etheric light obsolete.
Yeeessss plz bump
Sounds good
Still not trending. Still no comment from Bungie.