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Edited by Jasondurgen: 6/26/2015 6:21:05 AM

The Ochman Hunt - Chapter 8 [Part I]

The Ochman Hunt Chapter 7 - --------------------------------------------------- [i]Chapter 8 -[/i] [Part I] It's Spreading "Hey, you're awake. How are you feeling?" asked Serenity, sitting patiently on the side of my bed waiting for me to wake up. Apparently I passed out on the ride up to the bunks inside the tube. The last thing I remember is being down inside the arena laying on the ground, feeling weak as ever. I could finally bring myself to talk though, which gave me a little relief. "I'm feeling a little better. What... even happened earlier? I didn't feel like myself. I still kinda don't," I said, rubbing my eyes, looking at Serenity. "I'm not even sure, myself. I remember you waking me up and seeing the two monstrosities in the arena, Verondris and Xivilax. And... I something else... involving you..." she responded. I looked oddly at her, wondering what she could've meant. Did I do something I don't remember doing? "What it is?" I asked nervously. She seemed hesitant to say what was on her mind. She sat staring at fingers, twiddling them for a moment. "Well, before you passed out... I'm not sure if you meant this at all, but... you whispered that you loved me..." I was in complete shock. Did I really say that? I couldn't have said that! Serenity was very attractive, with her brunette hair, and delicate, beautiful face. But I didn't really feel anything towards her. Hell, I barely even knew her. How could I love somebody I didn't really even know all that well? "Are you sure that's what I said? I don't even remember saying that," I said, slightly leaning up with my elbow against my pillow. "You know what, it was silly to even bring that up. I know you probably didn't meant to say that. You were looking pretty rough out there, and was saying some weird stuff." "Yeah, you're probably right. I was feeling very odd... I'm not even sure what's wrong with me right now. It feels like something else is in control of me..." I said, trying to change the subject. "You had huge slash marks all over your body when I saw you, and your head was nearly busted open. I mean, blood was pouring out of the opening, and you had a weird black mist seeping from the slash wounds." When Serenity said that, about the black mist, my heart dropped. That was probably the same black mist used to turn Xivilax and Veronica, and now it's in me? I suddenly felt very uneasy, but I made sure to keep it to myself for the time being. Serenity didn't need to know about that. For all we know, it's not even enough to change me into one of those things... I hoped... I leaned up in my bed and took a look at my wounds. They were huge, long scratches across my chest and my back, with little remnants of the mist still remaining. The moment of silence in the bunk was soon broken when I heard a familiar voice growing near. "Well I'll be f*ckin' damned, Boss Man? That you? Sheeeit, it is!" I couldn't believe it, Harrison was here! As much as it pained me to see my whole fire team captured by this man, I'm glad I wasn't alone in there. Even though Crimson was sadly killed in the arena that day, at least Harrison was still alive. Harrison was the hardass of the team. He always ran in, guns blazing, and showed no mercy to anyone. Plus, he's a pretty great, funny guy, so I think we could all use a little of his humor. "Hey, H! Good to see ya, man. Where've you been?" I asked, surprised to see him. "Okay, so there I was, chillin' in my ship waiting to get to the station. When suddenly, my ship automatically came out of hyper space and started gettin' sucked in to this big ass ship. Some guy named 'Tenerris' or some shit started talking to me, sayin' how I was trespassing and yada yada yada. Next thing I know, I wake up in this big ass room with some weird people just staring at me." "Wait, so you say you saw some of the Lost when you woke up?" I immediately asked. "Ugh, yeah, I guess if that's what they're called. Bunch of weirdo's, man. I asked one of them for directions on how to get out of this circus and the bastard just hissed at me and ran the hell away. Like, what the f*ck did I do to him?" spoke Harrison, giving a laugh afterwards. "But am I interrupting something here, Big Man? You and your friend here?" "Oh no, I was just checking on him. We were down in the arena and some weird creature slashed him to pieces," Serenity said, standing from my bed and picking her hand cannons up from the ground, placing them in their holsters on her belt. "Yeah, I kinda got railed by that thing," I chuckled. "Well damn, I'll say. Looks like you pissed off the wrong kind of people with scratches like that," said Harrison, setting his auto rifle down. It took me a moment to realize this, but Harrison still had his memories and his gear with him. None of it was taken away. I asked him about it. "Hey, H. How come you didn't lose your gear or your memories?" "What do you mean?" he asked. "Well, Serenity and I had all of our gear taken away when we got here, and most of memories were gone for a while. I'm just curious as to why you still have your things," I said. "I don't know, man. Like I said, I was on my ship, a big light shined down on me, next thing I knew, I woke up in a crazy house of people staring at me. I was running down this HUGE ass hallway for like, maybe twenty minutes until I found you guys here." That had me worried. If people aren't getting their gear taken or memories nulled, does that mean the Hunt is over? Did that man already select everybody who would 'serve' Oryx? Harrison himself was very confused, but that soon didn't matter. After a moment or two more, the giant tube came up from the ground again. This time, it went for Harrison. "MAN, WHAT THE F*CK IS THAT THING?!" He shouted, grabbing his rifle. "Harrison, just run! Get away from that thing!" Serenity shouted. "You're damn straight I'm gonna run!" Harrison turned around and began to sprint away from the tube. But soon after, another tube came up from under him, and sucked him straight down to the arena. "Aw, shit. I swear, if the other member of my fire team dies, I will personally cut that mans head off and feed it to Xivilax before cutting ITS head off, too," I shouted, turning around on my bed to watch the monitor that was just revealed. Serenity walked over to the monitor. She tried to turn up the volume but the speakers were blown out. "Hang on, I can fix this." She walked over to another monitor, ripped out the speakers for it, and replaced our old ones with the new ones. Once she plugged them in, we could hear what was going on, crystal clear. Sounds of the crowd roaring with excitement, as it usually is, filled our ears first. Then came the sight of the tube dropping off Harrison on the arena grounds. He immediately stood up once he hit the earth and drew his weapon, aiming it all around him. "How ya doin', Harrison? Enjoyin' the view down there?" asked the man, sarcastically, giving a deep, hardy laugh after. "You think you're top shit, Tenerris?! I know all 'bout'chu. How you was one of the best Guardians around. How you were always a cocky ass motherf*cker. How you left the Tower because you felt like you deserved more rewards and respect than the other Guardians, and nobody would give that stuff to you. So please, if you're about to lecture me on how much of a badass you are, or how big your army is, why don't you just save it, come down in here, and let me kick the goddamned living shit outta you myself?" I didn't know that Harrison knew who Tenerris was. I didn't even know that the man on the intercom was Tenerris, so that's news to me. I just thought he was one of Tenerris's lackeys. And to actually hear somebody talk back to Tenerris in the arena, of all places? Without Tenerris just talking over him? I don't know much about him, but it seemed like he had some respect for Harrison. "Not so fast, big shot. I need you to complete a little trial first. Y'know, to make sure you're not part of the common rabble we get 'round here. Kinda like your buddy, Nexivelus. Damn, I can't believe you'd let him be fire team leader over you, even Crimson." "How do you know about that? You been doing your research, huh?" asked Harrison in anger. "Oh, Crimson told me. First hand, in fact," responded Tenerris. "You lyin' sack of shit. Crimson would never sell us out for anybody. Especially somebody like you." "Well since you don't believe me, why don't you ask him yourself, kiddo?" A giant door on the opposite side of the arena then opened, where a creature similar to Xivilax and Verondris walked out. "Oh my God... WHAT IN THE HELL DID YOU DO TO CRIMSON?!" screamed Harrison. There was a brief moment of silence before Tenerris came back and eventually said, "Why don't you just come here... and find out yourself?" -----Chapter 8 [Part II]

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