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6/25/2015 12:46:02 PM
The replies I see here are just sad. Destiny fans are the poster children of everything that is wrong with the industry today. "Why bother boycotting, it doesn't help anyway." Really? You guys don't think if you all stood your ground and told Bungie you are not paying extortionist prices they wouldn't cave and use a better pay model? Charging you for content you already own. Hiding content behind the purchase of a product you don't want. Paying for a season pass that is supposed to include 2 Raids then paying for that Raid a second time 6 months later to finally get it. Paying $60 for content that is 1/4 the content of most $20 dlc. Pathetic. I am convinced that you guys are not playing this game for the enjoyment of it. It has become an obsession. An addiction. No way a true gamer would allow themselves to be abused in such a disgusting manor. I don't care how much money you make or how nonchalant you act about pissing it away, you are allowing yourselves to be taken advantage of, like junkies throwing away their dignity to get their fix. The phrase "A fool and his money are soon parted" has never seen a more apt example Not mine copied from another awesome post!

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