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originally posted in: So ttk is still £40??
6/25/2015 10:34:03 AM
Why hasn't this been addressed yet in the weekly update or anything, it's disgustingly greedy and an insult to our intelligence. I've seen BUNGIE's true colours they don't care about the fan base, why would they when they can just rinse them. I'm guessing the emotes for UK will be £20, which is ridiculous, so pay £40 for taken king then £20 for 9 items which is £60, but the collectors edition includes everything for £55. Do they pull these numbers out of their arse, but this isn't just the UK , it's everything outside America. It also becomes more apparent with this red bull promo items, which appears at the moment to be America only. Outside America everyone has been mugged off, we look stupid for buying any expansion. Don't worry as like smith said he only deals in dollars, ignorant -blam!-.

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