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Edited by Mark Draconis: 6/25/2015 8:53:07 PM

Here's the "Truth"! if you've read Bungie's "update" about their response to their crippling reviews and thousands of fan losses, here's what I'm understanding. So...for $20 more, on top of the still current $40! We veterans can get...wait for it, like 6-9 class exotic class items. So for the price of the ENTIRE House of Wolves, you can get some cosmetic least that's how I understand it. So it seems that everything that we said was ignored, insulted, and degraded from its intended value. The expansion's director even had the audacity to blame his horribly worded comments as "sarcastic...and blunt". This to me is a classic Bungie/Activision cop out. So if you already have everything up to this point. Now, you still have to pay $40. You can get some class crap and the CE items for $20, bringing the grand total of the "collectors like" package to $60. So our entire fight and continued struggle over the disrespect and disloyalty that Bungie has shown us, is a $20 discount? That's it? Correct me if I understood it wrong, but I read through it a couple times...and I was appalled. Could I really pay for it if I wanted? Yes of course. Do I want to reward fake promises and half-hearted gestures though? No. We won't stop Bungie :). Show some respect to the people who built your damn player base and treat us better. And get Activision's slimy hand out of your ass. Don't apologize with words, Luke, show us with actions. Then I'll believe you. Until next time my dear friends. I share your feelings and sadness. *hugs all of you* So, stop being such a thorn in our side Bungie, and then we'll start giving you more patience and time. EDIT 1: Keep going guardians :), we'll keep fighting until we're heard. Make sure you put the tag #VeteransUnite in your posts in case they delete you. Here's a post the sums up my frustrations and an awesome article by Business Insider that slams Bungie/Activision, again! EDIT 2: Good job guys! We're on highest rated and trending!! Nice! I'll post some screenshots for awesomeness :)![user]=128766125&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0[user]=128766125&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=1 EDIT 3: It's a good thing I took those screen shots. Guess my post was removed from highest rating, like so many posts before mine? Yeah Bungie, we already know that you're a bunch of morons, you don't need to keep proving it.

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  • Good lord

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  • "We are very sorry, now give us some more money" lol

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  • I heard somewhere that they will be changing price of the dlc...

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    • There is something goin on that i really like, you know back in the days when Atari started the great videogame crash... Well i think that Bunjie have started something similar... I'm not saying that an iminent crash is comming but it's so good to see so many cunsomer sharing their frustration about an obvious outrageous business practice. We may not realise it right now because we are to involve, but this situation will impact somehow the futur of the videogame industry. We are making history. Hell.. even some other game company are laughing at Bunjivision right now. ps: sorry for my english, it's not my native language...

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      • It doesn't make sense. So now the legendary is $60 and us loyal year one fans are still going to have to pay $40 for the xpac along with $20 if you want the exclusive stuff. Your basically still buying the full thing if you want the extra crap. So bungie just -blam!-ed us all over again just in a slightly different way. 1 shader emblem and sparrow is not enough they should be doing it the other way around. Year 1 people get the exotic class stuff while the new people that buy the game get the single shader emblem and sparrow. YOU -blam!-ING SUCK BUNGIE.

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        • Veterans stand united to fight Bungie with our light power.

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        • Oh look. Proof that Bungie censors their feedback forum to keep feedback they like at the top, and feedback that they don't like at the bottom. It's like one of those suggestion boxes companies sometimes have, just in this case, if you have a negative suggestion Bungie will shit on your face.

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          • Edited by SaltyEssentials: 6/25/2015 3:36:12 PM
            You can take that $20 and shove it up your ass Bungie. Like what somebody else said, it should be a max of $5 for the shaders/other items. I have 3 level 34 characters, ive spent countless hours with your game, im done -blam!- your greed Id rather bend over and take it in the ass than spend $20 on items that we should get by purchasing The Taken King

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            10 Replies
            • Edited by Demodog2112: 6/26/2015 3:39:32 PM
              The whole pricing scheme of TTK baffles me. It really does not make sound business sense at all. This is coming from someone that spent almost their entire career in management. There are so many things wrong with TTK's pricing (HoW and TDB as well) that it is shocking. Where any company makes the bulk of their sales from is repeat customers. It's a mantra and pretty much an absolute axiom in business. You are always looking to make a single purchase become repeat business. There are a few tried and true methods to do this, but it's generally a combination of factors. Value for purchase/money, great experience for the customer, great customer service, communication and transparency w/ the customer (even the staff). What Bungie is doing violates everything one does to drive repeat sales. You NEVER make a customer feel like their purchase/time is meaningless to you. You NEVER treat a customer like a mobile atm. You NEVER tell the customer it's them and not you if a problem occurs. If you do those things you are driving away your customers and pushing them right into the arms of a competing company. It's insanely self-destructive to do what Bungie has been doing. In short, [i]people are what make a business successful. If you routinely make a habit of pissing off your customers you are shooting yourself in the foot.[/i]

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              7 Replies
              • If you want to blame someone, blame all the people who are going to buy and continue buying these overpriced things. That's why Bungie and Activision keep doing it. Because people keep buying it.

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                3 Replies
                • It should be $10 max. Anyone running around in those class items and shaders is gonna look like a complete retard. Won't be getting it myself for sure cause I don't want to advertise how easy it is to rip me off.

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                • Bump

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                  • Bump

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                    • Bump

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                      • Edited by JayD9969: 6/25/2015 11:40:17 PM
                        Bump. You wanna know what I think of this? I love it! This is a message to bungie! ....................../´"/) ....................,/´'../ .................../..../ ............./´"'/'...'/'""'·, ........./`/.../..../......./´`\ ........('(...´...´...."~/´...`) .........\.................'...../ ..........'''...\............ _·´ ............\..............( .............\..............\...

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                        2 Replies
                        • You're wrong, and here is why. They are collectors items. If you don't see value in the items that means that you are no collector.

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                          10 Replies
                          • Well at least we will know who the chumps are when we see a 34 with new dance moves at the Reef or Tower.

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                            5 Replies
                            • The cosmetic stuff is probably valued at the same price as TDB and HoW cuz the same amount of effort went into making each I'm sure

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                                • I don't know why all you American cry baby's are complaining about your precious $40 DLC price tag here in New Zealand it's nearly $80 for the taken king DLC and $140 for the collectors edition so STFU and go get a tissue

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                                  • All i gotta say is damn this master dude has responded to almost every damn comment lmfao

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                                    • So according to deej our "something better" is a $20 price reduction on shaders and emblems, as well as getting a VIP pack that has been known since the BEGINNING. Where is the logic? That's basically the exact same stuff. You're just screwing us over a little bit less now. I'd rather go out and spend $60 on fallout 4 or on family and friends than for this bull. I've been a loyal fan since long before dark below. I may have only had the game myself since December, but I spent countless hours on my friends play stations playing destiny. I feel Us veterans (I'm using veterans as those of us who've been here from September-December) should get The Taken King for a lower price and the CE stuff for around $5 cuz that's how much they're worth. Destiny is just a shell and you are being a greedy corrupt slimy company. In the beginning you were good but then you screw us over? The loyal fans of destiny? Bump this and get Bungie and Activision to treat us veterans right! Who's with me?[spoiler]bungie is screwing us all over again. [/i]spoiler]

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                                      • Bump

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                                      • After reading all the comments below I realize that all my fellow veteran players have pretty much covered everything I was going to say in my response. Let's keep up the good work by keeping bungie and Activision on the ropes. #Day1Players

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                                        • To the players who say you don't have to buy the game if you don't like the price... I like destiny and so do millions of other and we want to play the new content, it looks like it would be alot of fun. However, this doesn't mean we have to be subjected to overpriced DLCs. As loyal fans, we are being slapped in the face with an unfair price and if we allow it to be, then what's to say that other future gaming companies won't do the same? Releasing DLCs is the future for the gaming industry and we can't allow them to require us to pay $40 per DLC when it should only cost $10-20, especially if the content isn't extensive, as in the case with Bungie, who is releasing TTK, which is the same content size as all the other DLCs -- sure it has new subclasses and areas to explore, but the same as dark below ( more then 1 strike, exotics, raid, side missions)which was also overpriced to many who bought it. This might be a bit bigger than dark below true, but dark below should have been 10 dollars from the start and I bet a lot of diehard fans would agree, especially compared to other DLCs from other game titles that offered way more at that price point.This DLC should be the big content DLC, Which in reality should be the $20 that dark below was. So as gamers, we have to make a stand against greedy corporations because if we don't, this problem could grow and spread like a disease, leaving us battling with high-priced DLCs for the long haul. Why not nip this in the bud by showing the gaming industry that this isn't what we want and we won't tolerate it? Consumers are in charge because we have the money. Let's put our money where our mouths are and do something that actually makes a difference for the better. Losing fans means losing money, ya'll fans who saying goodbye to these mistreated players might regret that one day. If enough players leave. thats bad news for you and Destiny, especially since this game heavily relies on team playing. I know this is highly unlikely that this could happen, but imagine the possibility when you see them empty towers and not enough players to run raids with, which is kind of a problem right now. Ya'll beloved Destiny could be cancelled before it even reaches year 10. I know my advice isn't important to most fans, but this game is about having a massive community. If a player takes a shot at Bungie for a lack of certain things, then try to help them out or just let them go, adding a nudge isn't helping this kind of game. If the community is disrespectful and Bungie is overpriced, then this game probably won't make it pass year 4. Then the legacy of Destiny would be remembered as a rude community, and who wants to join a game with a hostile community? This again would make it difficult to find ppl to play with, since no one will want to buy Destiny because of the lack of "community". So try to help them or just don't reply is my advice.

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                                        • Edited by Cy6erDemon: 6/25/2015 9:07:17 AM
                                          $20!? For 9 items!? I can't believe it. $20! The biggest "F*CK YOU" in gaming history has happened and it's come from Acti-Bungie to their gamers. Luke Smith is an asshole to some Eurogamer reporter who's an even bigger asshole for crying about how badly he wants give them money for bullshit emotes and then Luke and the gang say "F*CK YOU" again by charging $20 for it all. LMAO

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