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6/24/2015 2:15:23 PM
For what? Saying the emotes are so awesome people will be so excited by them that they'd throw money at the screen? Jesus H. Christ, you people are some sensitive little babies.

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  • Ps I'm using an emote can you guess what it is hehhee

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  • And you're an illiterate hilly billy with no sense of loyalty to a consumer base ❤️❤️❤️

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  • [quote]And you're an illiterate [b]hilly billy[/b][/quote] Oh dear lord I hope that was intentional lmao. Anyway. . . Why would I have any loyalty to a consumer base that isn't buying my products?

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  • [quote]For what? Saying the emotes are so awesome people will be so excited by them that they'd throw money at the screen? Jesus H. Christ, you people are some sensitive little babies.[/quote]

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  • You must have been bullied and never stood up for yourself. Do you people really not see how insulting that comment was? W/e, there is a reason this game got 6/10 ratings and its because its being handled by morons like this guy.

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  • Actually, I got bullied and did something about it. You know what I didn't do? Sit around whining and bitching to random people on the internet.

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  • You didnt do anything but find a way to look at the positive side of it all. Not a terrible choice but its apparent you dont have a spine. You know what else you didnt do? You didnt teach the person(s) who pushed you around any lesson worth learning.

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  • [quote]You didnt do anything but find a way to look at the positive side of it all.[/quote] You're a terrible troll. Funny how you can make such a statement considering you don't even know who I am, let alone know me personally. Muted for being a dumb bitch. :)

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  • Edited by me2ez: 6/24/2015 6:01:30 PM
    I despise the word troll... im not here to create argument.. im here to put children in their place and hopefully they get a better grip of themselves instead of being the push over bitch like yourself. We need more people with backbone in the world.. not bad business enabling douchebags.

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  • Agreed.

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  • [quote]For what? Saying the emotes are so awesome people will be so excited by them that they'd throw money at the screen? Jesus H. Christ, you people are some sensitive little babies.[/quote]

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  • its about the principal of simply being able to make such a simple thing like dancing in a video game available without having to pay an arm and a leg for what we already own. grow up and stop enabling bad business.

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  • They really are, and entirely blowing this crap out of proportion. If you read the whole interview, the reporter was being a dick too, and Luke just got fed up. His comment about the throwing money was probably said extremely sarcastically (anyone else remember a vidoc with him saying, "...and wear his ass like a hat!"? ) The level of stupidity on this forums has reached a new level, to the point it is no longer funny, but just plain pathetic. [spoiler]Someone needs to start a petition to have the Luke Hater Bandwagon lynch mob checked for brain damage... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[/spoiler]

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  • its about the principal of simply being able to make such a simple thing like dancing in a video game available without having to pay an arm and a leg for what we already own. grow up and stop enabling bad business.

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  • Says the child copying and pasting the same post because he has the inability to come up with a real response. You are a poor sad miserable person, that much is clear in your view of the world. And obviously you hate the word troll because it fits you perfectly. Sad thing is, you aren't even a good one. Your arguments lack consistency and backbone, and are filled with a self-righteous attitude that only makes you look like a pompous prick. So if that was your goal, you have succeeded well. But I have no more time to debate with someone so narrow minded they only like hearing their own voice in their head telling them they are always right. Feel free to respond to get the last word. I hear that makes trolls like yourself feel better about themselves and create the illusion that they won.

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  • You make it sound like it's just us forbes magazine insider magazine and a few others all doing story's on how much a douche this guy came across

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  • That's called pandering to the audience. They hear people are riled up and so they write a story about the big mean man and know that all the people that are riled up will click on it because it agrees with them.

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  • You do understand how journalism works right? That people feed off a story. They are using the momentum of the Luke Smith Lynch Mob to create articles. Sensationalizing and fueling the fire that was started by sheer stupidity and over what was originally likely a minor misinterpretation over what Luke said in an interview, where the reporter was being a dick, and he probably just lost his cool. First off, its stupid to be pissed about something this dumb to begin with. Second, the part I'm referring to anyway is the extremists (Thus my lynch mob comment) screaming for him to 'publicly apologize' or worse yet, 'lose his job' over something this absurd. It astounds me that people can hate over something this insignificant. It only shows their lack of intelligence and integrity.

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  • What interview were you reading? He asked very professional questions while this moron Luke Smith talked about how we are idiots throwing money at our screen... its insulting and if you cant see that, then you were or are the type of guy that gets pushed around and doesnt stand up for himself.

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  • Actually you sound like that kind of person yourself with those issues, and are carrying a chip on your shoulder because of it, as clearly it colors your perspective on everything you read. I really shouldn't even waste my time replying to someone that clearly just re-paints everything they ingest to mean whatever they want it to, to justify their own self-righteous attitude. Freaking out about something this stupid, to start with, is just plain stupid and childish. Luke's comments were taken completely out of context, and this issue with it has been blown so badly out of proportion that it is astounding. Even the journalist Tom Phillips tweeted able how absurd it was. A direct quote of his tweet: [quote]Bungie deserves tough questions on #Destiny pricing but it's getting pitchforky out there... Luke Smith interview was actually good-natured.[/quote] He stands by his interview (which is fine, and his right to do so, even though I believe he was being unnecessarily aggressive), but even he sees this stupid online lynch mob for what it is.

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  • Whatever helps you sleep at night cupcake. I encourage you to start standing up for yourself and try to become aware of how the world works with marketing things like video games and the evolution of it all. Stand up for your wallet in principal or else youre just blind sheep bleating... i pity you friend, at least you tried right?

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  • Thanks for proving my point with your reply. It is much appreciated.

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  • its about the principal of simply being able to make such a simple thing like dancing in a video game available without having to pay an arm and a leg for what we already own. grow up and stop enabling bad business.

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  • [quote]First off, its stupid to be pissed about something this dumb to begin with[/quote]

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  • Agree completely. Luke even tried to end the price convo early, the interviewer kept being a dick and kept asking. I'm not putting the whole blame on him, but both were acting unprofessional.

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