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6/23/2015 2:24:25 PM
[u][b]BLOOD CLAIM DISPUTE SECTION[/b][/u] Who claimed there was no blood? there is blood everywhere... well... technically speaking the Hive are exempt from concept such as blood... being magic space mummies and whatnot... Fallen, ether (when you shot off head)... the concept I like, being that their blood is more less ether... kinda (grimoire is not exactly complete with information necessary for or against that claim) why do I like this? Because, It makes the fallen really alien... Their blood material (ether) is a gaseous state... compared to our liquid state blood material... Anyhoo... Vex, precision shot, white blood... energy charged... mech/cyborg, Cabal, Precision kill (minus psions) they are under such pressure in that suit, and their blood.. is in an odd enough state, that it bursts out in a semi mist like, all black... (might be a mix of, plus hydrolic fluids... / Oils... ) Only race I feel not too violent against is hive, cause they turn to ash/fall apart.... and I feel like Brendan Fraser... [i]"I... Hate... Mummies!"[/i] ____________ Dam... I guess I am not leaving a joke here, too serious and thought out post, bummer... And FYI, the Pre Teen, is not the main problem, (whether or not I think they should be playing... which in general, i just think should not, even if some I put as exceptions tot his rule) as there are many, people over 13... who wills till act like that... (and sadly enough, there are some... not many (I hope not too many) over 18 and 20, who still act like that....) The game rating system is very flawed as well, thee are many Teen rated games I played before I was 13... (I not sure how old I was, maybe wrong), and after 13...., where some of them, may be a tad frustrating for younger minds, but in no way are bad (starwars rogue squadron comes to mind, it need not a teen rating) and other games like legend of Zelda... (I do not dispute the rating, but something about lesser graphics witht he monsters in it, still freak me out terribly... funny how Twilight princess, with decent graphics, is less terrifying, just because of the graphics....) I will point to super mario 64... boos mansion... specifically, and a few other places... no child has any real right to play that, my god... talk about getting nightmares well into your teen years from a god dam piano... Find it funny how non horror games can do better jobs at freaking you out compared to horror genre games... XD

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