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Edited by Pink Shoulderę: 6/24/2015 5:45:02 AM

Should the South get rid of the Confederate Flag?

Continue flying Confederate Flag


Take down Confederate Flag


[url=]SC Governor calls to stop flying Confederate Flag to honor shooting victims[/url] [quote]"The Confederate battle flag, years and years ago, was appropriated as a symbol of hate," he said, and having it fly at the state Capitol "at best sends mixed messages to those who want to understand it as a part of history." The flag is "so often used as a symbol of hate," he said. "It has been (used in) defiance to civil rights and to equal rights and equality among races, a symbol used by the Klan, and a symbol you saw at every protest event during times of integration."[/quote] [quote] "The time has come for the General Assembly to do what it ought to have done a long time ago, which is to remove this symbol of division and even of terrorism to some," the Rev. Nelson B. Rivegrs said at a news conference. He said the flag symbolizes the worst of South Carolina's history and belongs in a place where it can be viewed as history.[/quote] Even Mississippi is considering switching, [quote]Later in the day, in Mississippi, that state's House speaker said his state's flag similarly needs to change. "We must always remember our past, but that does not mean we must let it define us," Speaker of the House Philip Gunn said in a statement. "As a Christian, I believe our state's flag has become a point of offense that needs to be removed. We need to begin having conversations about changing Mississippi's flag."[/quote] What's you're opinion on this, flood? Things to remember; 1.) This is only a movement to stop flying the flag near government structures, not remove it from history, [i]or the back of your pickup truck.[/i] 2.) People in the south commonly use this flag to show southern pride. 3.) South Carolina was the first state to secede from the U.S. 4.) Technically the flag isn't THE confederate flag, (It's the Battle Flag for the Army of North Virginia) although it does have basis in the Confederate States of America, making it a confederate flag. 5.) The flags nickname is "the rebel flag". Keep it civil, kids 500 Replies: Did I hit a nerve?

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  • that Xboxdotcom reference though.

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  • the simple fact is this, you cannot apply modern day interpretations of ethics or morality to a event that occurred 150 years ago, especially on issues that have only changed, radically in recent history. Was the confederate states of america full of nothing but evil bigots who went against societal norm of the time? the answer is no, slavery at the time was morally and ethically acceptable by most of society at the time, thus slavery at the time was not considered a evil practice. Do we say the roman empire (a empire BUILT on slaves) was evil because of their use of slavery? Is Christianity evil because for the first 1800 years of Christianity, slavery was ACCEPTABLE to Christians. Yes the nickname of the flag may be "the rebel flag" but as a american can you honestly say the United States flag is not a "rebel" flag? history is written by the victor of any conflict, with the winners always being the "right and the just" and the losers being the unjust and evil, regardless of the factual reason for the conflict. The flag is part of southern history, and furthermore, it is a logical portrayal of southern pride as a icon, in the same vein that old glory is a logical portrayal of american pride, nothing more and nothing less. Here is one factor that many do not take into account when considering the confederate flag. the confederate states of america was not a hate group, or a terrorist organization, they WERE a partially recognized sovereign state with a functioning government and control of their territory and the fact that they were reintegrated into the union does not negate the fact that it existed, as something separate to just a simple rebellion.hell it could possibly be argued that the current marijuana state decisions are very similar(in creed if not severity) to the decisions made back in 1860, in that individual states are shrugging off the authority of the federal government. Back in 1860 the southern states WOULD have a reason to be against the abolition of slave holding, for purely economical reasons cotton trading made up around 60% of the UNITED states total export business, and all that cotton was grown, and harvested primarily in the southern states by slave labor.

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  • Free country. They can fly a frickin' swazzy if they want to. If I don't like it, I won't look at it.

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  • Interesting. And the Stars and Stripes? Slavery existed for 84 years under that flag. Only 4 under the Confederate flag.

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    13 Replies
    • Hmmmm why is this now suddenly a major problem? It's a little late now to be all butt hurt don't you think? The media is blowing shit out of proportions to distract you from important things. Bigger things are currently at work now but, our new, ignorant generation can't see that. I used to think that conspirators were just some crazy ass people who were just making shit up. Just sit back and take a look at things.

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    • Let it fly. It's not racist it's heritage. Everytime somebody gets butt hurt or offended we have to coddle them. Sack up and shut up. This use to be a free country

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      16 Replies
      • Well they took it off the General Lee products, so my jimmies are thoroughly rustled

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      • Find a different flag to express your "Southern pride", the confederacy was born of anti-American sentiment and bigotry. If that's something to be proud of, then we're doomed.

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        11 Replies
        • Taking the flag down won't magically make people not racist

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          3 Replies
          • nono, let's keep flying it. I encourage people who support it to fly their flags at home, too. This way I know what houses and cities are full of idiots so I can avoid them.

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          • No it's a historical relic now. Don't oppress the white man. #whitelivesmatter

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          • The flag is a testament to pettiness and racism. I can see being proud of the individuals in the confederacy but as a whole there is little to be proud of regarding the confederacy itself.

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            2 Replies
            • ITT: the southern propaganda spin-machine is hard at work

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            • Yes. It represent racism, treason, and slavery. "Oh it's heritage, not hate" no, it's a heritage of hate. It should be illegal everywhere. A treasonous flag Definitely shouldn't be flown at [u]government buildings[/u]

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              5 Replies
              • Edited by AurumPrimavera22: 6/25/2015 2:06:43 AM
                I say remove it because the only people who (Im in Texas) actively fly it are camo truck and clothed homophobes who have to act like a big, strong southern hunter who would kill a gay if they even heard a rumor of said person being gay. Funny thing is, though, is that they've never been hunting, require a truck and camo because they have no self confidence/small dick, and live in a wealthy, white majority suburban neighborhood TL;DR Remove the flag because the only people that fly it in Texas are arseholes and testosterone frauds of men

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                2 Replies
                • It is okay in my opinion in the south but it has a more negative meaning up north.

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                • [spoiler]Keep it civil[/spoiler] Fu[u][/u]ck you and your wit. Anyway, it means what you make it mean. If you're from the south, it represents your heritage. Anywhere else and it's just a symbol of hate. I live in Canada. [i]Canada,[/i] in a rural area, and I see people wearing this flag all the time thinking it represents redneckery. Last year at this thing called Bayfest there were some kids on a four-seat bicycle, huge confederate flag in tow. There's no excuse for this.

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                  5 Replies
                  • Yolo

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                    1 Reply
                    • I'm not taking it down based on the fickle political winds

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                    • Where's the I don't care option?

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                      3 Replies
                      • It's a piece of cloth. Taking away a piece of cloth isn't going to make racism go away.

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                        7 Replies
                        • Nah I don't think so, it's part of history and shows southern pride not racism or prejudice

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                        • It's technically 1st Amendment rights. Legally, there's nothing you can do to make them take down the flag.

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                          8 Replies
                          • Remember: you have freedom of speech, until it pisses off the majority of people. Then it's the democratic process!

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                          • Edited by Chriis: 6/24/2015 6:08:13 PM

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