Don't get me wrong, the elder cipher exotic bounty has a great payout in the end. But I'm starting to loose my patience, i turned in the cipher to variks so he could fix it on Thursday night it's Sunday night and there is an exclamation mark above the waypoint in the reef to the vestian outpost. I go down there but, there is nothing there.
If it isn't variks it could be the postmaster oh cryptarch other then that just try to be patient it took me roughly 5 days for my first summoned from variks.
mine finished in a day and in hoping my other does also good luck guardian stay strong
Waiting with double bounty started Thursday, Bungie advices to abandon them with a change to receive 1, however I didn't do that. Monday evening (4 days) waiting was over, made 1000 points and choose QBB Just be patient & check Variks
I got mine on Friday and the exclamation mark has been there ever since. I checked earlier and nothing. I don't know if getting two ciphers at the same time is the problem or not. Heard it was a bug. Will only get 1 gun in the end.
Just wait that's all you have to do I waited for about 3 days. After completing the rest of the bounty I chose QueenBreakers Bow and I love it next will be Lord of Wolves!
Got my first some about 2 weeks ago, had to wait about 3 days. After completing I choose LoW. Also waiting since thursday the 18th I got 2 ciphers. Hope Variks will sumon me soon, aiming for the QBB
Hopefully it shows up tomorrow