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Edited by GreenPaladin: 6/19/2015 8:46:39 PM
Hi Matt, Around the second paragraph, Bungie's ToS is states something to the effect of: By downloading or using any of our products or services you agree to all areas of our ToS. Secondly, posting Gamer names on the forums is reckless and dangerous. This is not a place for Vigilante justice and embarrassing players. Many gamers have been harassed over the years (wether cheating or not) in public online gaming. Some instances leading to depression and suicide from all the hateful and hurtful messages they receive. [b]Do you or anyone else want to be responsible for setting a chain of events in motion that leads to someone taking their life?[/b] The best option is to Report in game and move on. If you really need to press the issue, post a video, leave the names out of the post, and move on.

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