So this second DLC came with zero Raid... When we expressed concern & complained about this Bungie said "ohh look, a shiny horde mode" & their little fan club here said "[b]jusht you guysh wait, Sheres ghonna be anosher Raid later for fwee. Bungie ish sho awshome"[/b]
Yeah, no new raid & horde mode kinda sucks the balls big time (ToO yeah laggggggggg)... So now with the Lame King dropping soon & no mention of an [b]interim[/b] raid, are we to assume that we have once again bait & switched??
I really liked this game when it first dropped. But seeing all that was "promised" with the original destiny (trailers, marketing snipets, etc.) & how we are just now getting it with this second DLC, I cannot see how anyone is willing to drop their money before anything is proven to us by Bungie... For that matter, why continue feeding the troll that is Bungie?
Don't disappoint guardians, I expect some hate for this post so let's do this!!
[b]Edit: (for science)[/b] This entire post goes to show that people read the title & the bold words... Most of you missed the main point of this post & man is it funny. [i]season pass marketing said TdB raid & HoW Raid, HoW drops & we are told "no raid is coming till later in the year"... Thus why should we trust them to deliver on everything they are saying is gonna be in TTK? I mean they have it in the user agreement that they can change whatever they want whenever they want. So let's [b]wait to buy TTK till after release[/b][/i]
Bump I'm with you man the fanboys are killing destiny not some other triple A title I for one will not buy TTK till after it drops and I see it's not crap