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6/17/2015 10:19:56 PM

Aim Assist Bug/Problem

I've been noticing that ever since the release of House of Wolves, the Aim Assist on all of my weapons has gone to hell. Not that it was particularly good in the first place, but with the addition of the 'Hidden Hand' perk to the game, it seems that aiming period is more difficult to manage without this perk. Prior to HoW, I was able to quickly snap from target to target, no problem, and if I overshot? No worries, the Aim Assist would sometimes correct it for me. I say sometimes, because this had a low chance of it happening, anyway, and 9 times out of 10, I wound up having to correct myself. Recently, though, the Aim Assist has just gotten horrible. I feel like a Storm Trooper half of the time. I am no longer able to snap from target to target, without the aim assist mechanic forcing an over correction. Remaining still for an opportunistic shot is even more difficult. I thought it was just me being rusty, at first, so I toughed it out, and eventually tried a few older shooters like Sniper and Resistance, since these games have no aim assist, and some other shooters give me the option to disable it. A few minutes in to Sniper, and it became clear that my muscles weren't the problem, since I was able to snap from target to target easily, and there is no aim assist in that game. To clarify: Snap-aiming causes over-corrections that are difficult to account for. With marksman type weapons(snipers, scout rifles), while aiming down sights and attempting to achieve an opportunistic shot, the reticle will jerk to one side as the target exits cover and aim assist kicks in, forcing a correction and losing a shot that could potentially matter. Additionally, attempting to creep into lining up a shot is virtually impossible since the aim assist triggers a few pixels from the center of the reticle, and can either trigger a dead zone on the analog stick, or will cause an over correction. Focusing on one target is also exceedingly difficult. It is nearly impossible to effectively engage a single target, and solely that target, if another enemy moves in front of it, since the assist feature will begin tracking that target, pulling your fire away from the previous one. The assist feature seems to also resist attempts to correct against it. If a target moves behind cover, the reticle will continue to track said target behind cover, making it difficult to switch target priorities. The problem has also apparently gotten worse with the recent patches. Using weapons such as The Last Word or other hand cannons, sniper rifles, scout rifles, and auto rifles the aim assist apparently gets confused about what target it should be acquiring. My aim is being viciously yanked away from where I am trying to shoot by something off to the side, reducing the effectiveness of even trying to aim, and making it seem like your random number generator is aiming for us now. I am considering this a bug, since it is progressively making gameplay more frustrating, however, if this is not a bug on your end, and if it is working correctly, then you need to include an option in the settings to disable the feature. I know I for one prefer not having the game aim for me.

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  • Bump. Auto assist is too aggressive and often I will be aiming at one player about to line up a head shot and someone exits a nearby doorway causing my sights to jump away from where I was aiming. I end up instead aiming where they had been ascend earlier and I miss my shot

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