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Edited by Millenium_Milk: 9/1/2015 4:16:46 PM

Destiny Clan Wars - Current and Previous Event List

Twice a week there will be special clan related events taking place on These will usually be either crucible, Trials of Osiris or Prison of Elders, and each one runs 3 to 4 days. To participate and be entered you will need to have made Alliterate Soldiers your PSN clan before an event starts. Once an event starts it doesn't update the clan roster on their page until the start of a new event. I will post here the highest 5 contributors to each event, unfortunately we can't give out prizes, just pats on the backs and we'll dones.

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  • Edited by Millenium_Milk: 10/28/2015 6:15:27 PM
    [b]Previous Event - Iron Banner (Oct 13 18:00 UTC - Oct 20 10:00 UTC) [/b] It's been a while since we've done one of these. But with most the new content now explored by some or you, it's time to bring out the guns and competition against other clans again! For a lot of you, this will be your first clan wars event! To participate, just play Iron Banner! You score points based on your game score for the match, which is then affected by modifiers! So keep an eye out for what these are in the bonuses section as these can affect your score by quite some margin! In the past we've cancelled raiding to make way for Iron banner, but not everyone has three characters leveled high enough to take part, nor have they completed the raid enough times to have maxed out gear. So raid groups will continue this week as per normal! [b]Bonuses[/b] -50% for losing or quitting a match +20% per control zone captured +25% per precision kill +5% per clan member in your fireteam. [b]Verdict[/b] We did well, for a non elitist non pvp clan, we did really well. Some of you exceeded yourselves in this event, it was good to see so many members jump in together and make some new friends! We came [b]13th[/b] out of 85 clans in the platoon tier, and Alliterate Soldiers II came [b]20th[/b] out of 100 class in the squad tier. [b]Top 5 Contributors[/b] [b]1. [/b]SuperN8yNova (991,405) [b]2. [/b]TheBrickZombie (956,944) [b]3. [/b]AlbinoChameleon (844,225) [b]4. [/b]jaybirdulr (833,801) [b]5. [/b]markrip (818,982) [b]Most Matches [/b]SuperN8yNova (184) [b]Highest K/D[/b] Knock-One-Out (1.76) [b]Highest Win %[/b] Bigryn87 (74.2%) [b]Control Freak[/b] SuperN8yNova (599) [b]Headcase [/b]TheBrickZombie (485) [b]Highest PPM [/b]iFakeOut(10933)

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  • Edited by Millenium_Milk: 9/14/2015 11:47:41 AM
    [b]Previous Event - Dragon Strike Playlist and Heroic Strikes above level 28 (1 Sep 12:00 UTC - 4 Sep 10:00 UTC) [/b] Any strike at lvl 28 and above (except nightfalls) are included in the scoring for this one. With TTK getting close I don't imagine we'll be pushing hard on clan wars until the new content starts to get old! [b]Bonuses[/b] -400 points per death +2000 per completion +10 per kill +5 per assist +5% per fireteam member [b]Verdict [/b] We came [b]8th[/b] out of 107 teams! Scoring a total of [b]450,700[/b] points between us all. Thank you to the 41 guardians that competed in this event. [b]Top 5 Contributors [/b] [b]1. [/b]t0rn4d0_d0gz (67,529) [b]2. [/b]Millenium_Milk (49,075) [b]3. [/b]DaBison (29,970) [b]4. [/b]Darth_lauder (28,878) [b]5. [/b]TheBrickZombie (27,353)

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  • Edited by Millenium_Milk: 9/1/2015 4:14:20 PM
    [b]Previous Event - Iron Banner (25 Aug 18:00 UTC - 1 Sep 10:00 UTC) [/b] It's Iron Banner time again, you know what that means right!!? Thorns, lagging and more thorn. Throw in some sniper shotguns, lagging and the odd hawkmoon and Last Words. Did I mention Thorns play a large part of lag Banner? Go get em guardians! [b]Bonuses[/b] -70% less than 1 K/D +15% per zone capture +20% per precision kill +5% per clan member in your fireteam [b]Verdict[/b] That was a long hard week of thorn Banner! Glad it's over, don't want to see another thorn in iron banner again! Now with the results, some people weren't around for this as they have had enough until TTK is released, so I wasn't expecting us to do well, but we managed to hit [b]8th[/b] place out of 103 teams, scoring a respectable 16,620,904 points. But still less than half of the top team who obviously don't have the same life commitments as the rest of us. Nor members that are AWOL with moving or holidays, or in some cases, only managed a few games before giving up. [b]Top 5 Contributors [/b] [b]1. [/b] TheBrickZombie (1,098,556) [b]2. [/b] Millenium_Milk (854,795) [b]3. [/b] LAZAR__W0LF (844,655) [b]4. [/b] AceMcFace78 (803,276) [b]5. [/b] Totalee64 (786,620) [b]Most Matches [/b] TheBrickZombie (185) [b]Highest K/D [/b] JayDon19 (1.81) [b]Highest Win % [/b] o420blazeITo (73.7%) [b]Highest PPM [/b] Totalee64 (10085) [b]Control Freak [/b] TheBrickZombie (185) [b]Headcase [/b] TheBrickZombie (583)

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  • Edited by Millenium_Milk: 8/31/2015 4:38:31 PM
    [b]Previous Event - Trials Of Osiris (Aug 21 12:00 UTC - Aug 25 10:00 UTC) [/b] It's Trials time, and I remember from previous events we struggle to hit the top 10 with this one as not enough players in our clan are elite pvpers. It is a shame Bungie made this playmate this way, maybe a 6 player elimination would have been more fun? At least it would get more people involved, otherwise the less skilled players seem to shy away from Trials in the fear of ruining the experience for those that are able to do well. All I ask is give it a shot, at least there is more chance of scoring points this time round with only one negative modifier. Even one assist will score you points! [b]Bonuses[/b] -50% for less than 1.0k/d +20% per precision kill +10 points per kill +5 points per assist +5% per clan member in fireteam [b]Verdict[/b] As with always Trials Of Osiris shows that we aren't a hardcore pvp clan, I'm not a lover of the event myself. Far too stressful, always against teams of handcannons and final round snipers or one shot shotguns. We came [b]43rd[/b] out of 71 participating clans, scoring 161,985 points. Thanks to Devilfish and JayDon19 for scoring the majority of our points. If anyone else fancies a few tries at Trials with some good players these two are worth adding and asking!

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  • [b]Previous Event - Raids (Aug 18 12:00 UTC - Aug 21 10:00 UTC[/b] This is the first time a raid event has taken place in Destiny Clan Wars' history, so likely it will have a few hiccups and the modifiers were a bit unimaginative, but still, it will be a good chance for us all to play with new members and make new friends. Hopefully more of our PvE lovers will join in on this one. [b]Bonuses[/b] -500 per death +10000 per completion +5 points per kill +5% per clan member in fireteam [b]Verdict[/b] With there being such a high amount of points for a completion and the runners of clan wars thinking everyone would play legit, there was a large loop hole where by team should complete a raid from the crota or Atheon checkpoint and still get 10k points+ per raid. Well done to those that took part, it was clear by Thursday night everyone was bored of raiding, with no interesting modifiers it was clear to see there was nothing to keep people playing. We came [b]3rd [/b]out of 74 participating clans in our tier, scoring us 872,877 points. [b]Top 5 Contributors [/b] [b]1. [/b]Fashionfungus (101155) [b]2. [/b]YaBoiYungMiguel (75,458) [b]3. [/b]edersann (70,887) [b]4. [/b]Knock-One-Out (61,847) [b]5. [/b]Deteradax (54,646) [b]Most Matches [/b] Fashionfungus (13) As no one completed 15 matches an average of the stats wasn't produced.

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  • Edited by Millenium_Milk: 8/21/2015 10:56:58 AM
    [b]Previous Event - Control (Aug 14 12:00 UTC - Aug 18 10:00 UTC) [/b] I wasn't here until the weekend to get involved and pull together the clan, and we'd be up against some stiff competition with pvp only clans. [b]Bonuses[/b] -60% for less than 1.0k/d -100 points per death +30% per melee kill (Fisticuffs) +5% per clan member in fireteam [b]Verdict[/b] After a lot of grinding in the last night we managed to 3rd, but after the morning came we were knocked down to [b]4th[/b] place out of 75 participating clans in our division, scoring [b]2,463,737[/b] points in total. I thank those that grinded, and those that tried and played with the rest of us, even if it meant endlessly dieing for zero points, I appreciate you joining in none the less. Next time I hope to see more players involved with crucible matches that require 6 man fireteams, it doesn't matter if you're not good, you don't get penalised for losing in some events, plus it's a good way to learn by following the good players around. 47 out of 82 players attempted at least one control match. [b]Top 5 Contributors[/b] [b]1. [/b]ENTP (314,810) [b]2. [/b]Millenium_Milk (252,846) [b]3. [/b]Markrip (228,897) [b]4. [/b]Jaybirdulr (182,885) [b]5. [/b]TheBrickZombie (104,971) [b]Most Matches [/b] ENTP (111) [b]Highest K/D [/b] edersann (2.41) [b]Highest Win %[/b] PeachyMe71 (72.7%) [b]Highest PPM [/b] Millenium_Milk (8428) [b]Fisticuffs [/b] Millenium_Milk (136)

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  • Edited by Millenium_Milk: 8/21/2015 1:51:48 PM
    [b]Previous Event - Dragon Strike (Aug 11 12:00 UTC - Aug 14 10:00 UTC) [/b] Strikes at level 28 or above (with the exception of nightfalls) count towards this event, strikes in the past have always proved popular with the clan and this one is no different, though we will need to find time to grind these events at time to make our mark upon the clan wars leaderboard. [b]Bonuses [/b] -200 per death +2000 per completion +10 per kill +5 per assist +5% per clan mate in the fireteam [b]Verdict[/b] Dragon Strikes are quite possibly the easiest event to take part in, even heroic Weeklies above lvl 28 count, but unfortunately only half the clan participated with 40 out of 81 clan members actually contributing any points. I know I was one of the absent people this week, but it would be nice to see at least 70% of the clan take part in each event. Still, thanks to those that did grind the strikes it meant we came an impressive [b]6th[/b] out of [b]81[/b] participating clans, scoring [b]725,324[/b] points. [b]Top 5 Contributors [/b] [b]1. [/b]Knock-One-Out (70,274) [b]2. [/b]markrip (66,612) [b]3. [/b]KosherCashew (58,213) [b]4. [/b]Darth_Lauder (52,115) [b]5. [/b]LAZAR__W0LF (38,536) [b]Most Matches [/b] Knock-One-Out (32) [b]Highest K/D [/b] Darth_Lauder (88.75) [b]Highest PPM [/b] LAZAR__W0LF (2569)

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  • [b]Past Event - Skirmish (3 v 3) (Aug 7 12:00 UTC - Aug 11 10:00 UTC) [/b] I wasn't around whilst this event took place so wasn't able to round the clan up to participate in this. It is a shame that no one else in the group was able to take over from me in my absence, but here is how it went. [b]Verdict [/b] A quite disappointing 17th place with only 16 players participating. I'm not even going to bother posting the top contributors for this one.

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  • [b]Past Event - Prison Of Elders (Aug 4 12:00 UTC - Aug 7 10:00 UTC)[/b] As with every prison of Elders event we rarely do well, unless we all completed all six PoE events with every character we will never take the top spot for these events. And I for one won't push any of you into this. [b]Bonuses[/b] -75 points per death +1.5% per hand cannon kill (John Wayne) +500% for completing lvl 34 or above +2000 points per completion +10 points per kill +5 points per assist +5% per clan member in your fireteam [b]Verdict[/b] Considering we weren't actively participating in this event we still came 10th out of 92 participating clans, it kind of shows how unpopular house of wolves really was. Thank you to those that did take part. [b]Top 5 Contributors[/b] [b]1. [/b] Badgerandfriends (69,324) [b]2. [/b] TheBrickZombie (56,051) [b]3. [/b] LAXSHARK44 (43,279) [b]4. [/b] Grogabusk (39,887) [b]5. [/b] Millenium_Milk (37,892) [b]Most Matches [/b] Kbreeze415 (8) [b]John Wayne [/b] Grogabusk (574)

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  • Edited by Millenium_Milk: 8/15/2015 9:27:00 PM
    [b]Past Event - Iron Banner (Jul 28 16:00UTC - Aug 4 10:00UTC)[/b] It's going to be tougher this time, we're up against larger and more competitive teams in the platoon tier, but I hope if anything, we make some new friends with this event! See someone in the clan playing without a full fireteam in the Iron Banner? Reach out and ask to be included. See someone from the clan playing alone? Reach out and invite them! It's all about team work and having a good time. Not everyone is gifted in the crucible, so please do not ignore them because of this, this clan is about having fun, the elitist clans are this way ---> and that way <---. You can score 0 for losing a battle, but only if you play solo and don't capture any zones or score any scout rifle kills, so it's very unlikely! Post in groupme chat and/or on the clan wall when you're on and want people to add you or join you. Best of luck to you all, see if you can get some etheric light and new IB gear for your guardians! [b]Bonuses[/b] -100% for losing or quitting a match +15% per zone captured +8% per scout rifle kill +5% for every clan tagged member in your fireteam [b]Verdict[/b] Our second Iron Banner event on clan wars, only this time in the platoon tier. Not everyone participate as some of you are shy or reserved about trying pvp combat. But some of those that did participate did a heck of a job. Hopefully I get to see more people have a try next time, and thank you to the new members for joining in. Overall we came 8th out of 89 teams in our tier and over all! Scoring 13,543,459 points. The top 5 contributors were: - [b]1. [/b] Millenium_Milk (807,778) [b]2. [/b] TheBrickZombie (582,419) [b]3. [/b] Natimus_maximus (558,011) [b]4. [/b] KosherCashew (550,340) [b]5. [/b] YaBoiYungMiguel (530,685) I've split the special mentions for amazing feats into sections based on number of games played, as it's easy to score more control captures and scout rifle kills after playing many more games than those that have only played 30 odd games. [b]Most Games Played [/b] TheBrickZombie (197) [b]150 - 199 games played[/b] [b]Most Points [/b] TheBrickZombie (582,419) [b]Highest K/D [/b] TheBrickZombie (0.9) [b]Highest Win % [/b] PeachyMe71 (64.74%) [b]Highest PPM [/b] YaBoiYungMiguel (3216.27) [b]Control Freak [/b] PeachyMe71 (597 zones captured) [b]Scouts Honour [/b] TheBrickZombie (10 scout rifle kills) [b]100 - 149 games played[/b] [b]Most Points [/b] Millenium_Milk (807,778) [b]Highest K/D [/b] Millenium_Milk (1.48) [b]Highest Win % [/b] Millenium_Milk (58.26%) [b]Highest PPM [/b] Millenium_Milk (7024.16) [b]Control Freak [/b] Mhandley21 (442 zones captured) [b]Scouts Honour [/b] Millenium_Milk (650 scout rifle kills) [b]50 - 99 games played[/b] [b]Most Points [/b] Zach1000000 (351,878) [b]Highest K/D [/b] Cyborg_66 (1.57) [b]Highest Win % [/b] Callie1000 (69.88%) [b]Highest PPM [/b] gomudbugs (5516) [b]Control Freak [/b] kbreeze (377 zones captured) [b]Scouts Honour [/b] gomudbugs (288 scout rifle kills) [b]15 - 49 games played[/b] [b]Most Points [/b] Buckwheat_90 (209,209) [b]Highest K/D [/b] Knock-One-Out (1.59) [b]Highest Win % [/b] Grevo (58.33%) [b]Highest PPM [/b] Buckwheat_90 (8368.36) [b]Control Freak [/b] BarneyOne (181 zones captured) [b]Scouts Honour [/b] Buckwheat_90 (195 scout rifle kills) [b]Special Mention[/b] - Buckwheat_90 scored the highest points in any one game, getting a staggering 42,838 points. That's the difference between using a scout rifle and not in this event!

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  • Edited by Millenium_Milk: 7/28/2015 4:35:19 PM
    [b]Previous Event - Trials Of Osiris (Jul 24 12:00 UTC - Jul 28 10:00 UTC) [/b] Trials of Osiris was this week's pvp challenge, and usually we don't do well in it. The reason is were not a devoted pvp fanatical clan, we're full of triers and casuals, with only a few dedicated to full on PvP challenges. So with that in mind I'll be happy if we score above 10th place. [b]Bonuses[/b] -80% for losing or quiting a match +15% for each rocket kill +100 per kill +50 per assist +5% per clan mate in your fireteam [b]Verdict[/b] We were tried, and found wanting. Which is to be expected, with so many new members and not many newly forged bonds between these members, it was highly unlikely that we'd compete against the top teams in a tense competitive pvp event! But we did well neitherless, getting us 8th place out of 61 teams, scoring a respectable 314,762 points collectively. The top contributors were: - [b]1. [/b] Knock-One-Out (64,233) [b]2. [/b] Natimus_Maximus (41,789) [b]3. [/b] edersann (41,055) [b]4. [/b] DispicableKiller (39,043) [b]5. [/b] ZeusAres (19,305) [b]Most Matches [/b] Natimus_Maximus (101) [b]Highest K/D [/b] Knock-One-Out (1.79) [b]Highest Win % [/b] edersann (84.4%) [b]Highest PPM [/b] Knock-One-Out (1053) [b]Rocket Man [/b] Knock-One-Out (34)

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  • Edited by Millenium_Milk: 7/27/2015 9:05:06 PM
    [b]Previous Event - Dragon Strike Playlist [/b](Jul 21 12:00UTC - Jul 24 10:00UTC) This will be our first Event in the next tier up with the platoon sized clans. With now over 60 members signed up with a clan tag on I hope we do well. Possibly get in the top 10, but it will require you all to make fireteams with each other for maximum points, and grind grind grind. To get points you just need to take part in any strike of lvl 28 and above, this includes weekly heroic strikes at lvl 28 and above too! [b]Bonuses[/b] +2% per precision kill +5% per clan tagged member in your fireteam -100 points per death +1000 points per completing a strike +10 Points per kill +5 Points per assist [b]Verdict[/b] Wow team... Wow! You got together, and you grinded those strikes. It got a lot of us plenty of armour and weapon parts, some got a few good legendaries or new exotics. But most of all we showed quite a few clans that we can work together, and work hard. So some of us might have exploited the scoring system with the cumulative precision kill bonus, but all is fair is blood and warfare! We came 1st in our platoon division, scoring a whooping 1,329,192 points. The top five contributors to this were: - [b]1. [/b] LAXSHARK44 (147,720) [b]2. [/b] Zach1000000 (132,757) [b]3. [/b] Lazroun (107,597) [b]4. [/b] Millenium_Milk (103,479) [b]5. [/b] Cyborg_66 (96,612) [b]Most Matches [/b] Lazroun (59) [b]Highest K/D [/b] KLRAFC92 (131) [b]Highest PPM [/b] LAXSHARK44 (5909) [b]Headcase [/b] LAXSHARK44 (1650)

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  • Edited by Millenium_Milk: 7/21/2015 4:02:27 PM
    [b]Previous Event[/b] - Hardcore Control (Jul 17 12:00UTC - Jul 21 10:00UTC) This is the largest we've been as an active clan and we only just about made it into the squad tier with 50 clan tagged members taking part! So hopefully it means we're in with a bigger chance of winning 1st place! Play as much as you like, yes you might get a negative score for a few matches, but the matches where you score positive should outweigh your losses. [b]Bonuses[/b] -80% for losing the match -80% for getting less than 1.0k/d +15% for each control zone captured in the match +5% for each clan tag member in your fireteam. [b]Verdict[/b] Well done team, it was a close call with only 7000 points between the top two teams, unfortunately we came second so we didn't get that badge of honour for first place in the squad tier. From now on it looks like we're in the platoon tier for teams with between 51 and 125 clan members. As a team we scored [b]436,928[/b] points. The top 5 contributors this time were: - [b]1. [/b]Knock-One-Out (455,417) [b]2. [/b]Millenium_Milk (436,928) [b]3. [/b]Edersann (325,654) [b]4. [/b]Cyborg_66 (249,030) [b]5. [/b]TheBrickZombie (221,610) [b]Most Matches[/b] - TheBrickZombie (95) [b]Highest K/D[/b] - Knock-One-Out (2.8) [b]Highest Win %[/b] - Knock-One-Out (83.7%) [b]Highest PPM [/b] - Knock-One-Out (10591) [b]Control Freak[/b] - Millenium_Milk (343 Captures)

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  • Edited by Millenium_Milk: 7/21/2015 2:20:14 AM
    [b]Previous Event - PoE[/b] (Jul 14 12:00 UTC - Jul 17 10:00 UTC) Previously we haven't done much towards PoE events in clan wars, but I'd like to see how well we can really do if we try! With a much larger number of clan mates now we're approaching the upper limit of 50 clan members to stay in the squad tier. This time we have 47 clan members entered for this event! Our most ever yet! So get inviting, searching and asking in the clan channels to get fireteams together to complete as many PoE events as you can! Check the bonuses below to try and bolster your score per game! [b]Bonuses[/b] +10 Points per kill +5 Points per assist +5% per clan member in your team +1% per precision kill +500% for completing lvl 34 or 35 PoE +2000 points per completion of a PoE match -100 points per death [b]Verdict[/b] Well done team, we came 2nd overall in our tier and 13th out of all the tiers combined. Our best results yet! Collectively we scored 1,189,075 points. The top 5 contributors were: - [b]1. [/b]Richey619 (107477) [b]2. [/b]gomudbugs (99,353) [b]3. [/b]Millenium_Milk (96,804) [b]4. [/b]Lazroun (91,994) [b]5. [/b]nelly3370 (70,034) [b]Most Matches[/b] - Lazroun (12) [b]Headcase[/b] - Lazroun (334 headshot kills) [b]Highest Points Per Match[/b] - Chefjclaude (16677)

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  • Edited by Millenium_Milk: 7/21/2015 4:02:58 PM
    [b]Event Ended[/b] - [b]Clash[/b] (10th July 1PM UTC - 14th July 10PM UTC) Find a team mate and enter the crucible for all out mayhem. Because of the two negative modifiers some of you non crucible variants might find it hard to earn points in this event, but I do hope you'll at least give it a go! There are 29 of you this time entered into this event, so get cracking! [b]Bonuses[/b] +5% for each clan member in the fireteam +5% for each headshot kill in the match -40% for obtaining less than 1.0k/d in the match -50 points for each death you get in the match. [b]Verdict[/b] [b]Well done[/b] clan, you managed to smash clash this event, and with the hard effort of you all we managed to hit 3rd place out of 87 participating clans. 21 out of the 27 eligible entrants this week took part and managed to score a collective of 1,223,859 points. The top 5 contributors were: - [b]1. [/b]Knock-One-Out (204,294) [b]2. [/b]Millenium_Milk (187,133) [b]3. [/b]Edersann (120,996) [b]4.[/b] Richey619 (112,040) [b]5.[/b] LAZAR__W0LF (99,410) [b]Most Matches [/b]Millenium_Milk (91) [b]Highest K/D [/b]Knock-One-Out (2.41) [b]Highest Win % [/b]Totalee (100%) [b]Highest PPM [/b]Knock-One-Out (2961) [b]Headcase [/b]Knock-One-Out (300)

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  • Edited by Millenium_Milk: 7/10/2015 2:42:37 PM
    Previous Event (July 7 12:00 UTC - July 10 10:00 UTC) - [b]Prison Of Elders[/b] [b]CANCELLED AND NULL AND VOID - [/b]Due to technical failures on the website it hasn't updated the clan roster, and when they did a manual update for me it removed the Active current members and replaced you with the non clan tagged members. So as only a dozen of you are on the list I'm cancelling this event as it wouldn't be a fair representation. Next event is clash which starts as 1PM GMT+1 on July 10.

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  • This was the first IB event we've done compared against other teams. So how did we do? Baring in mind that we now have several new members that are PvP legends now, unfortunately their scores weren't accounted for as they didn't join the clan until after the event started! First of all, thank you to everyone that contributed their time to playing in teams in IB, I hope to see more of you getting involved with other members more often. It's why I created a clan in the first place, though we're not a clan of elitists and pure bred gaming machines, I do hope that you all did at least enjoy playing! We came 15th out of 112 clans in the end, scoring us 3,817,980 points. The top 5 of the 22 contributors this time were: - [b]1.[/b] TheBrickZombie (425,139 points) [b]2.[/b] Millenium_Milk (401,074) [b]3.[/b] EternalKingdoms (358,682) [b]4.[/b] Cyborg_66 (300,382) [b]5.[/b] ZeusAres (266,047) [b]Most Matches - [/b]TheBrickZombie (169) [b]Highest K/D - [/b]TwoJaps (1.58) [b]Highest Win % - [/b]Totalee (61.9%) [b]Highest Points Per Match Avg - [/b]Millenium_Milk (4178) [b]Rocket Man (Total Rocket Kills in event) - [/b]Millenium_Milk (94) [b]Fisticuffs (Total Melee Kills in event) - [/b]EternalKingdoms (181)

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  • 2nd event is over, many of us aren't pvp orientated it would seem, those that normally are, are away playing other games now. But we'll done to a certain individual for their hard effort! We came 49th out of 61 teams that took part. Scores 1st - Dispicablekiller (28,149 points) 2nd - Natimus_maximus (7,328) 3rd - Cyborg_66 (6,508) 4th - Millenium_Milk (5,093) 5th - TUTTERS (1,910) Only 5 of us participated towards the scoring this week, let's see if IB gets more of you to join in!

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  • Edited by Millenium_Milk: 6/28/2015 9:07:07 AM
    First Event - Prison Of Elders (23rd to 26th June 2015) (Rank 16/64) 1st - Lazroun (51,765) 2nd - Zeebo1UK (42,798) 3rd - Millenium_Milk (42,055) 4th - ZeusAres (39,308) 5th - Cyborg_66 (36,762)

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