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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by ProGamerSkill: 6/24/2015 1:43:51 PM

So, for $59.95 I get...

Everything I already own, [b]plus[/b] the [i]Taken King[/i] ... Or: Buy $59.95 for Destiny - original game Plus $39.95 for expansions I and II Plus $39.95 for The Taken King 'pre-order' -------------------wait for it------------------ That's $140 pretty much for the same thing as noobs can get for $60. Thanks Bungie. I've enjoyed your game. Seriously. It's a lot of fun. I'm not kidding. Check my hours played. More than most, I can assure you that. And, what's my thanks and appreciation for supporting your game along the way? Getting screwed over to the tune of more than [i][u][b]DOUBLE[/b][/u][/i] THE PRICE that someone will pay today. How the hell does this make sense? You should actually honour your most loyal customers with The Taken King as a [b][i][u]FREEBIE[/u][/i][/b], or at the very least , a [b][i]DEEP[/i][/b] Discount. (Maybe $15 instead of $20, but certainly not increase it to $40, that's just plain back-asswards). "Here you go guardian. As a token of our appreciation for sticking with us through the first year, for buying the base game, for getting the first two expansions (which may or may not have been disc-locked content), for playing through the glitches as a live feedback forum for our programming errors, for the buffs and the nerfs you've endured, for the lag and for the heavy ammo we took from you every time you spawned... We would like to present you, as a gift, Your own Edition of The Taken King. I'm not butt-hurt by what's been paid so far. I'm f-ing choked that a newb will get all that and more for $60.00, and that it will cost me another $40 on top of what's already been paid, just to keep up with the [b][i]BUNDLE-BABIES [/i][/b]of 2015. Should be $15 max (free preferred) for the players who already have all the prerequisites. [b][i][u]BUMP[/u][/i][/b] if you agree with even one part of this. --- out --- EDIT: Geezus. For those of you who agreed, thanks for understanding my point. For the rest, here's an example: You all have cell phones. If you don't, try to imagine having one. Buy the latest phone. Then pay for an upgrade. Then pay for another upgrade. Then pay for another upgrade. Your buddy goes and buys the upgraded upgraded upgraded phone, [b]AND[/b] GETS THE ORIGINAL PHONE YOU PAID FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE GIVING TO HIM FOR FREE AS WELL... For [b][i][u]less than half the price too!![/u][/i][/b] and as a freaking bonus, he also gets [b][i][u]the charger, the headphones, the protective case and limited edition sticker to proudly display on the back of his Kia Soul as well !!!![/u][/i][/b] Does that help even one of you naysayers [i]get it?[/i] Edit 2: For those that say "Isn't this how all games do it?", the correct response is (I'll succumb to Godwin's Law for some of this I'm afraid): Did slavery come to an end? Did the holocaust come to an end? Did the USSR come to and end? Did the wall in Germany get torn down? Pick a metaphor... The choice should be your own. [b][i][u]Just because that's how it's always been done, simply does not 'de facto' make it right![/u][/i][/b] Edit 3: Your responses have been mixed. Fine. My post will not be all or end all. I appreciate what most of you had to say. For clarity I do not compare the edit 2 metaphors directly to this video game. But, to be offer a piece of advice to those who thought I meant something else: I believe that a company this big and profitable can do better than the companies that came before it. There will always be change. Who will do it first? Edit 4: You'll be impressed... I've listened and here is my last ( probably not) contribution to the argument: Bungie can rename the DLC to be $39.95 for the [b][i]DIGITAL BEND OVER EDITION*[/i][/b] for those of you who already have the original game and the first two expansions. We will send your guardian an in-game bottle of lube. It will be waiting for you in the special orders. * There will be no reach-arounds or discounts offered. Edit 5: Please stop buying next year's car at half of last year's pricing!! Edit 6: There were Alpha players There were Beta players Then came Day-1-ers We can call the next gen the 'Vets' Along comes Xmas Noobs Since then we've had a few Kinder-guardians But this latest generation will forever be known as: [b][i][u] THE BUNDLE- BABIES[/u][/i][/b] I do not take credit for this nickname, the original poster is down there, buried somewhere in the responses to this thread. Go ahead and find him/her, they deserve all the praise. If my post succeeds in nothing else... [b][i][u]BUNDLE-BABIES[/u][/i][/b] SHALL LIVE ON FOREVER!!!!! Edit 7: Strictly for your entertainment only: [b][i][u]EDIT 8:[/u][/i][/b] Looks like my rant was 'all' right on the mark. The failure on the price point. The failure in exclusive content. The failure on needing to rebuy items I already own. Many Thank to Eurogamer for taking the time to interview Luke Smith, and get to the bottom of all these inequities. We shall see what the weekly update holds for the year-one owners of the game. I bet it's not much!

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  • Was destiny your first video game purchase? Lol

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    2 Replies
    • Your cell phone example is 100% WRONG! My friend bought the Galaxy S5 when it first came out.. he paid... wait for it..... $300 (or so) maybe more. I bought the SAME EXACT PHONE with NEWER SOFTWARE (your upgrades) for ... again wait for it..... $50! PLUS... the phone had rebates so I got it for..... wait one more time FREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! We pay more to to get the best stuff FIRST!

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      • Save some money for Kleenex

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        • TL DR but props for using the dollar symbol correctly.

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          • The game is a year old though at that point ...

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          • Darude [spoiler]sand[/spoiler] [spoiler]storm[/spoiler]

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          • Yeah. I agree. People who are t supporting this game are going to get it cheap. Wtf. I preordered everything of this game. And I'm not even going to get something unique to show for it. Wtf

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          • >season pass >doesn't include taken king

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            9 Replies
            • I'm a derpstiny vet and I agree unfortunately this is a business yes I do agree with this but unfortunately bugle never listens... Save up those $40 and buy fallout 4

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              • Dark Below and House of Wolves will be next to worthless when The Taken King launches because the content will not be endgame. Everything is included in the $60 for [i]compatibility.[/i] New players will have received zero value for those legacy expansions. Why is this so hard to grasp?

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              • So, for $59.95 you get... [spoiler]cut content. .[/spoiler]

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              • With the expansions added it makes up about a complete game. Make sense that it costs a full game price. We got to pay 60$ for a beta and an added cost for early access to the two expansions.

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                • So what is they get it for 60. I'm sure crotas end won't be the same experience anymore as when it first came out. Poe will probably be irrelevant by the time the taken king comes out. Sure they're paying less than half but the excitement and experience won't be half as good.

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                  • We paid what we did to play it immediaty. Day one. These people Re getting the content so far down the road and not to mention they have to go through all that content to just get to ttk. So by the time they do all us probably blew through mist if not all of it on all our characters. I for one welcome it because all it could do is bring more players to the game and give more people to play with. The only problem I see is them not giving existing destiny/expansion owners a different package to get all the legendary edition stuff without buying the same game ans expansions again. You are complaining because you feel since you paid full price to have it immediaty that everyone else should to even if it's been a year at that point since the base game dropped and over a half a year since the first dlc and 3 month for second dlc. In the end it's just incentive to bring new people. We paid what we did to play it day one and it was priced accordingly. Rather you believe it wad chopped game fed to us to milk more money doesn't matter at this point if you already bought it all. I like the game and have already spent 100 bucks for the game and will spend another 60 if they make a new edition that comes without the stuff I have but has the goodies fir ttk. If kt than I'll just buy the expansion.

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                    • That was funny I mean if you want a collectors edition do not and I repeat do not buy the digital. Go to the store and buy the collectors edition not only will you get the Vip bonus but also the physical merchandise that is packaged with the TTK it looks really cool.. You can keep that stuff and the TTK and sell vanilla Destiny to a friend for a couple of bucks to offset the price.

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                    • It's 2006. U save up all ur money to buy a laptop. It was worth $2000 (as an example). It's now 2015, and you ask the same price for the outdated laptop. Wtf? We got destiny way before the "[i]bundle babies[/i]", so now it can be sold for less. Blam off noob.

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                      9 Replies
                      • Who gives a -blam!-. You've been playing since day 1, these people are just coming in now. It's pretty easy to conclude that you're one of those elitist jerks who wants to be special about something so pointless. Play the game, enjoy it, quit asking for people to be barred from content just because you want to feel special for little bit longer. This game is about being inclusive, you can access content easier, unlike other MMORPG that have a gear check for certain raid encounters or bosses.

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                      • Yeah I don't know if I'm going to play destiny anymore after the taken king. I mean I have max grimoire for Xbox, I have every exotic armor and weapon piece, my favorite exotics I have three of. I have over 30 ethric light piled up in the vault and I have over 30 days played and I think I'm gonna call it quits. If you guys like mmo rpgs I'd suggest ESO. It's freakin sweet and way better than destiny, take it from a destiny veteran since beta.

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                        3 Replies
                        • And in other news... Far more important shit went down today.

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                          • This is no different than GOY editions bundled with all the dlc. Most of us have spent around $95 on this game with hundreds of hours of gameplay. I have around 850ish hours myself so I think I've got my money's worth. It just seems like complaining and whining is a new fad in these forums if you don't get exactly what you want. Complete loss of perspective.

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                          • I dont get why people give a shit about them bundling all the old content. Do you want new people to play destiny? If so they don't need to have a giant financial investment to get online. Most software suppliers don't charge release day prices for content forever. So over time software can be said to depreciate. This bundle is an absolute example of software depreciation. The original game and DLCs are all very old at the point TTK comes out and so are being sold at a reduced price. I don't think people like us who have all the game should have to buy it again, mind. There should be at least a $10-$20 difference between ALL content and just TTK, even if it's only a digital download.

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                          • Whats the point of crying about this? If you don't like it then don't buy it and move on to something else. I mean what else do you expect, everything has a shelf life. You can't expect something you bought almost a year ago to cost the exact same right now. Early adopters will always pay more because thats just how it is, did you expect bungie to start at a lower price then increase it over time? If you are wanting to get new users to play the game are you honestly going to charge them more? You attract new customers by giving them incentives to buy your product. The amount you have paid thus far has been filled lots of experience newer players simply won't have. Isn't that added experience over the noobs worth the additional price you paid over the course of a year. Also, for what its worth, I think bundle-babies is awesome. Bundle-Babies!!!

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                            5 Replies
                            • Waaaaa! You want something for free. Waaaaaa! They don't owe you anything. You probably drop more than that on one night at a pub with your pals. Stop being a cheap-ass, and cough it up.

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                              2 Replies
                              • Good lord. Simple response: If we love destiny (I do) we need an influx of new players from time to time to keep it going. If you were on the fence about buying this game until now...look what you can get for $80!! Moreover, the value of past dlc and destiny 1 has depreciated. You can get destiny for $19.99.... What do you want? A new car? A free vacation to Tahiti? Win the lottery? Buy the thing or don't. Goddam.

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                                8 Replies
                                • I'm a week one Guardian, I experienced it all... Now I'm mad that they basically get the regular game with all three dlc's being free! I mean seriously, the noobs get it for a low price while we have to hand in 40$? This is highway robbery people!

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                                  4 Replies
                                  • $500,000,000 to create Destiny. Where's the value? Oh wait it's dlc :(

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