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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by ProGamerSkill: 6/24/2015 1:43:51 PM

So, for $59.95 I get...

Everything I already own, [b]plus[/b] the [i]Taken King[/i] ... Or: Buy $59.95 for Destiny - original game Plus $39.95 for expansions I and II Plus $39.95 for The Taken King 'pre-order' -------------------wait for it------------------ That's $140 pretty much for the same thing as noobs can get for $60. Thanks Bungie. I've enjoyed your game. Seriously. It's a lot of fun. I'm not kidding. Check my hours played. More than most, I can assure you that. And, what's my thanks and appreciation for supporting your game along the way? Getting screwed over to the tune of more than [i][u][b]DOUBLE[/b][/u][/i] THE PRICE that someone will pay today. How the hell does this make sense? You should actually honour your most loyal customers with The Taken King as a [b][i][u]FREEBIE[/u][/i][/b], or at the very least , a [b][i]DEEP[/i][/b] Discount. (Maybe $15 instead of $20, but certainly not increase it to $40, that's just plain back-asswards). "Here you go guardian. As a token of our appreciation for sticking with us through the first year, for buying the base game, for getting the first two expansions (which may or may not have been disc-locked content), for playing through the glitches as a live feedback forum for our programming errors, for the buffs and the nerfs you've endured, for the lag and for the heavy ammo we took from you every time you spawned... We would like to present you, as a gift, Your own Edition of The Taken King. I'm not butt-hurt by what's been paid so far. I'm f-ing choked that a newb will get all that and more for $60.00, and that it will cost me another $40 on top of what's already been paid, just to keep up with the [b][i]BUNDLE-BABIES [/i][/b]of 2015. Should be $15 max (free preferred) for the players who already have all the prerequisites. [b][i][u]BUMP[/u][/i][/b] if you agree with even one part of this. --- out --- EDIT: Geezus. For those of you who agreed, thanks for understanding my point. For the rest, here's an example: You all have cell phones. If you don't, try to imagine having one. Buy the latest phone. Then pay for an upgrade. Then pay for another upgrade. Then pay for another upgrade. Your buddy goes and buys the upgraded upgraded upgraded phone, [b]AND[/b] GETS THE ORIGINAL PHONE YOU PAID FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE GIVING TO HIM FOR FREE AS WELL... For [b][i][u]less than half the price too!![/u][/i][/b] and as a freaking bonus, he also gets [b][i][u]the charger, the headphones, the protective case and limited edition sticker to proudly display on the back of his Kia Soul as well !!!![/u][/i][/b] Does that help even one of you naysayers [i]get it?[/i] Edit 2: For those that say "Isn't this how all games do it?", the correct response is (I'll succumb to Godwin's Law for some of this I'm afraid): Did slavery come to an end? Did the holocaust come to an end? Did the USSR come to and end? Did the wall in Germany get torn down? Pick a metaphor... The choice should be your own. [b][i][u]Just because that's how it's always been done, simply does not 'de facto' make it right![/u][/i][/b] Edit 3: Your responses have been mixed. Fine. My post will not be all or end all. I appreciate what most of you had to say. For clarity I do not compare the edit 2 metaphors directly to this video game. But, to be offer a piece of advice to those who thought I meant something else: I believe that a company this big and profitable can do better than the companies that came before it. There will always be change. Who will do it first? Edit 4: You'll be impressed... I've listened and here is my last ( probably not) contribution to the argument: Bungie can rename the DLC to be $39.95 for the [b][i]DIGITAL BEND OVER EDITION*[/i][/b] for those of you who already have the original game and the first two expansions. We will send your guardian an in-game bottle of lube. It will be waiting for you in the special orders. * There will be no reach-arounds or discounts offered. Edit 5: Please stop buying next year's car at half of last year's pricing!! Edit 6: There were Alpha players There were Beta players Then came Day-1-ers We can call the next gen the 'Vets' Along comes Xmas Noobs Since then we've had a few Kinder-guardians But this latest generation will forever be known as: [b][i][u] THE BUNDLE- BABIES[/u][/i][/b] I do not take credit for this nickname, the original poster is down there, buried somewhere in the responses to this thread. Go ahead and find him/her, they deserve all the praise. If my post succeeds in nothing else... [b][i][u]BUNDLE-BABIES[/u][/i][/b] SHALL LIVE ON FOREVER!!!!! Edit 7: Strictly for your entertainment only: [b][i][u]EDIT 8:[/u][/i][/b] Looks like my rant was 'all' right on the mark. The failure on the price point. The failure in exclusive content. The failure on needing to rebuy items I already own. Many Thank to Eurogamer for taking the time to interview Luke Smith, and get to the bottom of all these inequities. We shall see what the weekly update holds for the year-one owners of the game. I bet it's not much!

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  • It is 40 bucks and Destiny will be over a year old when it comes out. Either pay for it or wait until Destiny 2. If time is money just responding to every post in this thread cost you 40 dollars already. So sick of people thinking what is owed to them. If Bungie charged all us to play per hour, we'd be screwed.

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    • Give TTK out as a freebie? You're kidding, right?

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      4 Replies
      • This is how marketing works. Prices go down. Stop complaining.

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        • If you've never paid attention to the way the real world works, things lose value over time bringing the price down. Same for every game that exists.

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          • There are people who will spend the 80$ essentially bungie is seeing just what margin they can screw us at. I don't like that mentality; but I have 80 dollars and have enjoyed this addictive PoS game. [b]It would be great if they could put the next two dlcs into the collectors addition Instead of offering a collectors addition that caters to players that haven't touched your game before. [/b] [u]thats the middle finger btw: oh you want this physical content because you like our game? 40 dollars more! And includes less[/u]

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          • Did not read, but I just burned 3 notes of USD20; did I contribute to the cause?!?

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              I see your point. I bought the Season pass, so I think I definitely deserve not to have to pay more than $20 for the next expansion. I couldn't care less about the extra stuff, but the digital content does bother me. I understand they're trying to make money, but you also have to keep your consumers buying from you. I'm not buying that expansion until they make it worth my while because by then, there will be other games.

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            • Edited by EegraNa: 6/19/2015 10:09:00 PM
              Oh boy I can't wait till a bundle baby comes crying to us veterans to teach them how to do vog and crota and we slam em with a huge [b][i][u]NO![/u][/i][/b]

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              • You need to understand how economics work. Then someone can explain to you how depreciating values work in today's economy. Maybe. Just maybe. You'd understand.

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                • The bundle babies, catchy, I like it

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                  • Edited by N-miser: 6/19/2015 10:48:26 PM
                    I agree with all of this. Buying the limited edition, a beta player, a day one player, and having days (maybe weeks?) put into destiny this is very disappointing to me. I'm not mad just extremely disappointed and this might even lead me not to buy TTK at all. Also I love the name Bundle Babies.

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                    • they end in 99 not 95

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                      4 Replies
                      • You need to learn what opportunity cost means! You paid 60$ when you got it day one. You can know purchase this game for 25$. Ok let's say you purchase the dlcs now you pay 35$. That the purchase today cost then 70$. The game will devalue in two months. So let's say it cost 15$ for the game. You want TTK so you pay 40$ . You have know paid 55$. They are giving the outdated content of TDB and HoW for somewhere around 5$. They aren't discounting new content for players that don't have the game. Although your value is 135$. You paid the extra money for something called TIME!!! Not the game.

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                        • Edited by Dark_Vaporman007: 6/19/2015 10:20:20 PM
                          I am a day one player and i really dont care about what the new player bundle has i pretty much have all i want maxed and the new armor with experience bonus oh my god who cares if your crying about what there getting stop playing move on lots of new games out there or just spend the 40 Dollars and shut up your crying over few minor items that don't really matter to day one players 40 dollars crying and acting like a child over few shity items

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                          • You must be high... Look up the word depreciation.

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                            • So you're complaining about something that's been common practice for every industry for decades. I now call the current generation the Tumbler Generation, aka the generation that complains about stupid shit that isn't worth complaining about.

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                              8 Replies
                              • Angry joe included this in his review (BUMP)

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                                • [quote][quote][b]Destiny.[/b] What image or idea does the word conjure in your mind? [i]Destiny.[/i] They had me the moment they released the first trailer. Exotic worlds, sprawling forests, vast deserts... a lone Guardian in the ruins of an ancient building surrounded by woods. Adventure, exploration and wonderment. We were going to hop on sparrows with our friends and set off to new frontiers and old. The challenge was laid before us, [i]Become Legend.[/i] Those of you who have read some of my other posts know that I am passionate about this game. Those of you who've read some of my other posts know that my love of Destiny doesn't make me a fan of this version of Bungie by default. We all had our grand visions, expectations and dreams of what it would be like to finally set foot on these worlds, face these alien foes, save this mysterious Traveler and find our destiny. Reality. As I said, I love Destiny... But let's be honest. We all know that the Destiny that released was not the Destiny that Joe Staten had envisioned and certainly not the Destiny that we imagined in our own minds. The first hint that something might be off was Marty's departure. Then Joe left and it was hard to not wonder what could be happening. It was troubling to longtime fans that Bungie seemed to hold some disdain for Xbox players; after all they were the ones who made them the company they are today. Still, the game came along and we were given images and fed dreams on social media. The first hint that something was off was on my first mission in the Cosmodrome. I had my headset on and suddenly there was another Guardian... only they weren't talking. Oh well, there's another... "Hello!" ...but they aren't talking either. In fact, no one is talking. So I go to the Tower and is there really no voice chat in the game?? PvP. There has to be voice chat in PvP, right? Are you kidding me? No voice chat in PvP? What the hell?? The second hint was the first "Turn back Guardian...4...3...2...1..." Which was almost immediately followed by [i]Did I just hit an invisible ceiling??[/i] Of course we all know the rest. There was no story (there was however a Grimiore to explain why there's Earth gravity on the moon). We had enemies to fight which was fun... Even if we had no real idea why we were fighting them or why they each other. And it became clear what had happened because we'd seen it before. [b]Halo 2[/b] Bungie sold their souls to Microsoft and in return they promised them Halo 2. They had a grand vision for what it would be and they had a deadline. Unfortunately they overreached and they overpromised and rather than either side allowing the game to become what it was meant to be, it released half finished. Anyone who ever drove a Ghost up above the Delta Halo knows what a massive world they built. You could drive over the mountains, around the entire lake and even traverse its depths. Yet only a fraction of that world ended up playable in the final release. Destiny. I always say Bungie are the only company I can think of that found selling their souls to be so nice, they did it twice. The fact that they were able to purchase their freedom back from Microsoft was pretty unprecedented. The relative speed with which they proceeded to sell their souls to Bobby Kotick afterwards still astounds. They say those that don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. Well Activision opened their coffers and with a toothy grin set a deadline for Destiny. Once more Bungie overreached, over promised and released a shell of the game they'd dreamed of. Only this time things were a little different. This time they were able to pick the pieces of that game that should have been off the cutting room floor and they were able to repurpose it and sell it to us as DLC. "Oh but we had to build King's Watch and the other locked off zones into the infrastructure" "It was all part of the grand ten year plan" They said with toothy grins. We complained about the lack of story. We complained about the repetitive and not very explorable nature of the worlds. We griped about the confusing and seemingly slapped together economies and we wondered aloud at the seeming intent of it all to draw out the content that did exist. But we kept playing because in spite of what Destiny wasn't, that moment of gliding through the air on a Titan and activating our Super and flying like the greatest videogame Superman ever and smashing our enemies was just f**king epic. We kept playing because the gameplay was amazing the guns were fun. We experienced the joy of logging on at 4am to run to Xur. Yeah the game had flaws, but the diamond still shone through the rough. When The Dark Below released, we raised concerns when players were locked out of endgame content a mere 3 months after release. A rift opened up in the community and suddenly those without TDB were "cheap" or "poor" for not owning it but wanting to run a Nightfall or meaningful Vanguard Strike. Never mind that probably half of those that didn't have TBD and found themselves locked out were getting it from loved ones for Christmas 3 weeks later. My wife wanted to get me it for Christmas; I ended up purchasing it 2 weeks before because they'd turned it into a shell if you didn't. When Crota's End released, we started asking in earnest for matchmaking options for raids. With the raid came new upgrade materials and we started asking for a functional unified economy. Vault space became an issue that still exists and we voiced that concern. Still we logged in. We ran the new strike. We competed in Iron Banners. We leveled second and third characters. We called for more endgame activities that everyone could run and not just those with 5 other friends. The most requested being a Horde Mode. House of Wolves. [quote]We'll find you enemies, but we won't find you friends.[/quote] A line immediately drawn in the sand. Of course Bungie probably didn't mean it as literally as it ended up being, but that doesn't make it any less of a sin. They'd already made enemies with the locked Dark Below content. We'd had the chastising, the name calling and the hatred between the haves and have nots. Now instead of being "cheap" and "poor", those who wanted matchmaking options to play endgame content were called "lazy" for not wanting to leave the game to play the game. We asked for change and got [i]philosophies[/i]. We stood together and we made them blink, but they knew it didn't matter because they had their next Ace to play. The Taken King. I will say that it did not look bad and some looked quite good. That said, I personally would prefer to fill out and expand the world and enemies that exist before adding more into the fray. Maybe Mercury will be awesome. Maybe it won't be another Earth clone with slightly different colors and fauna. I'd still have rather walked out of the Cosmodrome and out into Older Russia to cross those rivers and hills and explore those forests and find what secrets they might hold. We'll see, it may be great. It might even be the greatest thing since sliced bread. What it won't be is a good f**king deal for any of the millions of people who've already purchased Destiny, The Dark Below and House of Wolves. To go all in for me will put my investment at $140.00 Those who purchased the season pass are slightly less and those in Europe are quite a bit more. But we love the game and we've invested ourselves and our time into developing our characters and populating this world Bungie have created. Only they are selling a Legendary Edition to new players that includes Destiny, TDB, HoW and The Taken King for $60. [quote]Hey everyone, thank you for playing our game the past year and oh-by-the-way, F**K YOU[/quote] I can live with and/or get past the unfinished game, the lack of story, the mess of economies, the matchmaking left to players to develop and run. I cannot for the life of me figure out what they are thinking with this. It literally makes no sense. 1) You don't fleece loyal customers while giving away the farm to future customers. 2) It makes ZERO sense financially anyway. What would have made sense would have been to bundle Destiny, TDB and HoW for $60 and then charged everyone $40 for The Taken King. Giving it all away in one package for $60?? That's just stupid. 3) If you're going to value your new expansion as only being worth $60 when packaged with the base game and previous 2 expansions, you're f**king insane if you think that anyone is going to not feel completely ripped off and screwed by having to pay $40 for just TTK. I just don't know what the end game is at Bungie at this point. they've made it crystal clear through their treatment of their original fan base and now their loyal Destiny fans that they don't really give two sh*ts about anything but the next $$$ They patronize us with the line that our feedback matters, even if their algorithms keep meaningful posts from trending... So where does that leave us? Do we keep investing ourselves in this world or is it time to see what else is out there? Fallout 4 will surely put a dent in the player population. Is the Legendary Edition Bungie panicking and desperately reaching for new players? Because if so, you don't need to court the new so desperately if you take care of and don't f**k over the ones you already have. Anyway, that's where I'm at with the game. At a crossroads between what I see Destiny can be and what Bungie seem determined to not let it be. Once more into the fray. Once more for what you believe. #bumpfortruth[/quote][/quote]

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                                  8 Replies
                                  • Don't forget the 3 class emotes those bitches are game changers

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                                    • You got it a year early

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                                      • BUMP

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                                      • [quote]Did slavery come to an end? Did the holocaust come to an end? Did the USSR come to and end? Did the wall in Germany get torn down? Pick a metaphor... The choice should be your own. [b][i][u]Just because that's how it's always been done, simply does not 'de facto' make it right![/u][/i][/b][/quote] Are you seriously comparing companies trying to make money from their product to slavery and mass genocide? This is one of the most pathetic attempts to make an argument seem valid that I have EVER seen.

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                                        3 Replies
                                        • 1, bump 2, bundle babies

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                                        • Bump

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                                        • Bundle Babies. Niceeee.

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                                          • as someone who played WoW for many years the price point makes sense, lets continue to use WoW as an example it currently sit with 5 expansions plus the main game. Now when a new expansion is released the previous content becomes outdated and for the most part useless, same goes for destiny. Now why would i pay for 4 expansions that no longer serve any purpose totaling 240$. the dark below and in the near future house of wolves will become past expansions. So when you consider that you actually had this content when it was relevant you get your moneys worth, where as a new player it would be silly for them to drop 140$ when they aren't going to get much use out of the dated content. I hope this helps clears things up a bit.

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