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Edited by ProGamerSkill: 6/24/2015 1:43:51 PM

So, for $59.95 I get...

Everything I already own, [b]plus[/b] the [i]Taken King[/i] ... Or: Buy $59.95 for Destiny - original game Plus $39.95 for expansions I and II Plus $39.95 for The Taken King 'pre-order' -------------------wait for it------------------ That's $140 pretty much for the same thing as noobs can get for $60. Thanks Bungie. I've enjoyed your game. Seriously. It's a lot of fun. I'm not kidding. Check my hours played. More than most, I can assure you that. And, what's my thanks and appreciation for supporting your game along the way? Getting screwed over to the tune of more than [i][u][b]DOUBLE[/b][/u][/i] THE PRICE that someone will pay today. How the hell does this make sense? You should actually honour your most loyal customers with The Taken King as a [b][i][u]FREEBIE[/u][/i][/b], or at the very least , a [b][i]DEEP[/i][/b] Discount. (Maybe $15 instead of $20, but certainly not increase it to $40, that's just plain back-asswards). "Here you go guardian. As a token of our appreciation for sticking with us through the first year, for buying the base game, for getting the first two expansions (which may or may not have been disc-locked content), for playing through the glitches as a live feedback forum for our programming errors, for the buffs and the nerfs you've endured, for the lag and for the heavy ammo we took from you every time you spawned... We would like to present you, as a gift, Your own Edition of The Taken King. I'm not butt-hurt by what's been paid so far. I'm f-ing choked that a newb will get all that and more for $60.00, and that it will cost me another $40 on top of what's already been paid, just to keep up with the [b][i]BUNDLE-BABIES [/i][/b]of 2015. Should be $15 max (free preferred) for the players who already have all the prerequisites. [b][i][u]BUMP[/u][/i][/b] if you agree with even one part of this. --- out --- EDIT: Geezus. For those of you who agreed, thanks for understanding my point. For the rest, here's an example: You all have cell phones. If you don't, try to imagine having one. Buy the latest phone. Then pay for an upgrade. Then pay for another upgrade. Then pay for another upgrade. Your buddy goes and buys the upgraded upgraded upgraded phone, [b]AND[/b] GETS THE ORIGINAL PHONE YOU PAID FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE GIVING TO HIM FOR FREE AS WELL... For [b][i][u]less than half the price too!![/u][/i][/b] and as a freaking bonus, he also gets [b][i][u]the charger, the headphones, the protective case and limited edition sticker to proudly display on the back of his Kia Soul as well !!!![/u][/i][/b] Does that help even one of you naysayers [i]get it?[/i] Edit 2: For those that say "Isn't this how all games do it?", the correct response is (I'll succumb to Godwin's Law for some of this I'm afraid): Did slavery come to an end? Did the holocaust come to an end? Did the USSR come to and end? Did the wall in Germany get torn down? Pick a metaphor... The choice should be your own. [b][i][u]Just because that's how it's always been done, simply does not 'de facto' make it right![/u][/i][/b] Edit 3: Your responses have been mixed. Fine. My post will not be all or end all. I appreciate what most of you had to say. For clarity I do not compare the edit 2 metaphors directly to this video game. But, to be offer a piece of advice to those who thought I meant something else: I believe that a company this big and profitable can do better than the companies that came before it. There will always be change. Who will do it first? Edit 4: You'll be impressed... I've listened and here is my last ( probably not) contribution to the argument: Bungie can rename the DLC to be $39.95 for the [b][i]DIGITAL BEND OVER EDITION*[/i][/b] for those of you who already have the original game and the first two expansions. We will send your guardian an in-game bottle of lube. It will be waiting for you in the special orders. * There will be no reach-arounds or discounts offered. Edit 5: Please stop buying next year's car at half of last year's pricing!! Edit 6: There were Alpha players There were Beta players Then came Day-1-ers We can call the next gen the 'Vets' Along comes Xmas Noobs Since then we've had a few Kinder-guardians But this latest generation will forever be known as: [b][i][u] THE BUNDLE- BABIES[/u][/i][/b] I do not take credit for this nickname, the original poster is down there, buried somewhere in the responses to this thread. Go ahead and find him/her, they deserve all the praise. If my post succeeds in nothing else... [b][i][u]BUNDLE-BABIES[/u][/i][/b] SHALL LIVE ON FOREVER!!!!! Edit 7: Strictly for your entertainment only: [b][i][u]EDIT 8:[/u][/i][/b] Looks like my rant was 'all' right on the mark. The failure on the price point. The failure in exclusive content. The failure on needing to rebuy items I already own. Many Thank to Eurogamer for taking the time to interview Luke Smith, and get to the bottom of all these inequities. We shall see what the weekly update holds for the year-one owners of the game. I bet it's not much!

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  • I don't mind the $60 bundle, it will hopefully bring new players, but the expansion itself damn well better be worth a $40 price tag. That's almost the price of a whole new retail game. It won't be a day one buy, I'll have to see what the reviews say because if the past is anything to go on there won't be enough new content to justify the price. Plenty of other games coming out this fall/holiday.

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  • The game has been out for a year... Was the price not supposed to drop? I mean you can buy call of duty and all the dlc and the game for 40 dollars, so does that mean I got ripped off on every CoD? What I'm trying to say is prices drop and they make bundles to bring in new players you could of waited till now to buy the game but you didn't so why cry over money you won't get back?

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    5 Replies
    • Are all the WoW expansions still as expensive as they were when they were first released? No, they're not and no one cares that people can get them now for dirt cheap when they've payed full price long ago. Don't be a fool.

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    • Edited by r1nr: 6/19/2015 4:07:15 AM
      I'm sure if they bundled those exotic thingamajigs and shadermajigs with just the taken King it would put a lot of people at ease. [and those emotes, cause holy shit who doesn't want more useless emotes for their d-pad] For me, I really don't care. I mean I might not even get it. But this seems to be making a lot of people angry for some reason.

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    • You can send them a box of 2000 glimmery things. Maybe they'll just give you a copy. Worked for that guy with fallout 4

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    • Like I have said to this post many times. If TTK is to expensive for you. I'll donate it to you. Just take me to Mercury. A win win for anyone willing to tackle it. Any takers I'm on Xbox one. Get same.

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    • I felt the same way. I mean if they are upcharging for this dlc because of the amount of content then the crota dlc shuda been 5 bucks for that amount of content

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    • Once i saw the word [b][u]FREEBIE[/u][/b] Bolded and underlined, I couldn't take you seriously. Sorry m8.

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      • I understand what you're trying to say but to ask for a free collectors edition for all players who started playing from the beginning is a little out there. 40 bucks is pretty standard for an expansion. Just get the expansions no one is telling you to buy the collectors.

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        • Or are you upset that new players can get it all for 80?

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          • Noobs are gonna get a whole lot of content for cheap. Yes, but it'll almost be too much content. We got to play through VoG, Iron Banners, Eris, Crota's End, etc.... The noobs are not going to play through all the hours it takes to collect the weapons and gear that we have. I mean they could but it just seems like to much. We got it fresh. We got it first. I know I squeezed everything outta this game. They won't get the same experience.

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          • Bump

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          • Are there just hundreds of uneducated people on these forums that have no idea about how business works?

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          • So much self entitlement, not enough logistics. Bungie will lose an untold amount of money if they simply 'give away' TTK, let alone the Collector's Edition. Do you think they're going to mail everybody those limited goods, free of charge, simply for devoting absurd amounts of time into their game? They appreciate it, but.. Before you tell me they won't lose a lot of money.. they have already poured enough money on it's development, marketing, and advertising / showcasing at E3. I'm gonna get picked apart by those who feel otherwise, but that's okay. My post is my opinion, and so is yours. But the fact remains that Bungie just won't do it. They [i]have[/i] given away Map Packs early, in the days of Halo, but times have changed. If you truly support them and their vision, you wouldn't hesitate to buy it. Even months after it's release. Nobody is forcing you to buy it Day One, as many with economical issues won't be able to buy it Day One. I've been around long enough to realize that. And, I'm gonna buy the Collector's Edition. What will I do with an extra copy of Destiny, TDB, and HoW? I'll give it to a friend of mine so I can introduce her to this great game.

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            • Edited by Itachi: 6/18/2015 5:25:01 AM
              Ok so i play destiny on the day it came out. I buy all the dlc. Now 1 year later. A guy walks into the store. "Whats that?" He asked. "Well that is a dlc fir a game that came out LAST YEAR"." Answered tge store clerk. "Can i play this DLC without buying the game from last year?" he asked politely. "Unfortunately you cannot." Said the clerk. "But this new dlc comes bu dled with last years game and all corresponding expansions for only $80.". "Gee golly gawrsh do ya really mean that mister?" "Nah -blam!- you pay $60 for the game "$40 for the dlc and another $40 for this one." Said the poir buisness man.

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              • If your worried about 50 bucks you shouldn't own a gaming console Who really gives 2 sh1ts how much you pay, if you enjoy the game then look past it.. I enjoy the game and trust me i understand where your coming from, but seriously the real theif here is sony charging $12 a month to play the -blam!-ing thing

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                • Look at costs per hour of play, estimate the percentage of "fun" hours and that is what it costs you to play destiny per hour, I'm in the "destiny costs me pennies" range, another $40 is likely going to net at least an additional 40 hours of play (likely 400 before the next expac) meaning the return on investment in terms of utility is through the roof, hell it is through the atmosphere. Look at it from the cost/hour ratio and it makes easy sense to spend another $40 down the road if you consider the opportunity cost of spending that $40 elsewhere and the utility you get from it, especially from the time you have sunk into this game already. Otherwise you have to consider the costs of producing the expansion (which btw, is not a DLC, this is like a game revamp from the look of it), it was likely in the 10s of millions, selling the expansion pack alone for $60 which would likely be reasonable considering the player base and costs involved with production. They instead decided to sell it for $40 which is likely them breaking even, the $60 version is the bargain offered to the new players, an attempt to get them into the awesome world that is destiny, and it will work considering what is put into the game. The only unsound financial choice Bungie has made has been it's lack of discriminatory pricing in regards to the digital aspects of it's collector editions, it should be offering the digital content from the collector's edition (which has impacts in-game btw) as a DLC for an additional price (5-10 dollars seems reasonable given the nature of the supply and the probable demand). You want the ultimate handout and bargain? Ain't happening, Bungie needs to make a profit and fund it's projects to continue producing awesome content.

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                • To all my fellow Ghost Edition Owners hope you do the same. That is why I write to you the following: If Bungie has taught me anything it's to f... their fan base. So, I will do as Bungie would buy two collectors edition sell one for double the price to make my money back. Then take what I want from the second one and sell the game and all the expansions for $40 to just buy my digital edition for myself. This way I got the collectibles free. P.S sorry in advance to the person who gets shafted just passing the shitty stick along.

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                • Bump

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                • Yeah! We deserve stuff! Besides year one stuff

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                • After wasting 20 minutes reading that, I am still wondering, why would your friend want 2 cellphones?

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                  • Sounds like a hell of a good deal. I just got AIDS by reading this post, and that was free. So, ya know, perspective.

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                    • So don't buy it. If you enjoy the game you will and why be mad that someone else gets a good deal? You were happy with the price when you paid it. So be happy still. Or stfu

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                      5 Replies
                      • Buuuummppp !!! Edit: I received alot of love! Keeep pushing! We will get what we want! We want our Day One veteran Collector Edition To!!! Bungie Will listen or not!!! : "So just found out that you'll be able to get the Taken King, Dark Below, and House of Wolves, plus the Destiny game for $79.99 dollars, plus other game swag like a replica of a strange coin and a steel cover with pictures, and a bunch of other stuff... Wtf is this #Bungie ? I payed $60, well actually almost $500 because I bought the white edition PS4 that came with Destiny, but let's just say it was $60, then I payed $35 for the the season pass that gave me the first two expansions, so $100 in total for The game and 2 expansions, and now you're releasing another Destiny game, with all the DLC for $79.99? Taken King is $40, Dark Below is $20 and House of Wolves is $20 so that's $80 in just Dlc, the game is $60, so $140 is what we since day 1 have to pay, but if you buy this new Destiny game, not only do you get a great deal, because you save 40% , but you also get exclusive Exotic Class Items (3 exotic class items) that give you extra XP for doing things, 3, not 1, but 3 shaders, and 3 class emotes, whatever that means, but we that have to pay for everything separate, we that have been with #Bungie and #Destinythegame Since day 1, get screwed over this bad? And by that I mean, that all we get is one stupid shader that probably is gonna look horrible, since y'all didn't even bother with the House of Wolves Expansion shaders, one sparrow that is really nothing special at all, its just for show like the ships, and one emblem that already looks bad, and that doesn't give you any boost or anything, just for show. How's this fair at all? And all this is for the digital copies, the hard copy? Even cheaper, at $59.99, and it still comes with all the dlc, but it doesn't come with the extra swag, still, how's this even fair?"

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                        1 Reply
                        • Five years from now, maybe three, when I see Destiny on the software shelf at Staples for $10, I'll try to remember the good times, BUT, there's no way I would ever give one more cent to Bungle. True story.

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