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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Boomstick1911: 6/16/2015 8:59:45 PM

Watch this video, and LEARN FROM IT

Destiny was marketed as an MMO FPS. The biggest things that stand out in an MMO, are the GRIND, and the REWARD. Since Activision decided to gut this game and sell it back to us, being the greedy bottom-feeders that they are, the only real experience comes from the unique Reward of various pieces of armor and weaponry. When you go in, and listen to X people (again, a MINORITY) griping about a weapon because they're most likely lacking the skill or motivation to obtain it, you are taking away the Reward, making it less unique. If you want to shift toward carbon copies, you may as well develop the next Call of Duty game, Bungie. If you agree, make your own posts and spread this YT URL across the forums. This game is NOTHING like what we were told, and if you're reading this, Activision, just realize that the player base KNOWS your horrid reputation for sticking your noses in the creative process, where you've no business being. We, both PvE AND PvP players are [b]tired[/b] of the garbage. The constant destruction and weakening of Weapon classes to appease [b]the minority that wants a VANILLA, CARBON-COPY SPACE CoD[/b] is utterly ruining the experience of this game. Oh, and to you kids pushing for these constant nerfs: 1) It won't matter, because most of you will still get your behinds kicked in Crucible, then when the player base moves to the next usable weapon, you'll be right back in here complaining again. 2) If you do not like the way this game is designed, DON'T PLAY IT. Go out, and take a good look at the current political world; maybe then you'll realize what happens when you try to make everyone the same while bowing down to minority nut jobs. 3) For the MLG-tards pushing weapon nerfs, just know that destroying half of the game and giving everyone the same weapon, DOES NOT MAKE YOU SKILLED. [b]It makes you WEAK, because TRUE SKILL means having the ability to adapt.[/b] The game is built for adaptation, not conformity. If you want that, take your sorry selves back to Call of Duty, along with your toxic attitudes. [b]EDIT: This video IS NOT MINE. I claim NO OWNERSHIP; [i]I merely am using it to reinforce my point.[/i][/b]

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  • I swear people cant stop asking for nerfs. Facing a thorn? Strafe and aim for the head.Swift headshots leave him dead before he can get you.

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  • Edited by Tonester: 6/20/2015 7:39:21 PM
    Look. Don't take it personally, but I've had enough of the moronic hobbyist game designers claiming they know something. You talk about nerfs and how it will make everything cookie cutter, but fail to acknowledge that THAT is precisely what we have now and why people are wanting changes. Sometimes Nerfs are necessary. For now, it really boils down to: Should all guns kill as quickly as exotic hand cannons, the high impact pulse rifles, or scout / auto rifles. Personally, I think the TTK is too fast and would prefer to see things move towards the slower scout / autos. As it is now, there is no time to react, evade, maneuver, etc. And the idea of everything killing roughly at the same speed is important, because then you have balance. What will come into play then is range of engagement, perk combinations, etc. And PS: At best, you are an average player based on your stats. Ask any of the top players, and they are all saying the same thing.... exotic HCs, some shotguns, tracking rockets, panic supers, etc.... are all bad for competitive play.

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    • Edited by Guardian3263: 6/20/2015 7:18:51 PM
      Been reading your responses and watched a portion of the video and I just want to say: No one wants all the weapons to be the same. And if they do, that's the wrong audience. The problem is by not doing anything, the "everyone is using the same thing" mentality will exist in its own way: people using what is clearly the best. It would be one thing for there to be top tier weapons as true balance is impossible with so many variables, but when an incredible amount of the community is using the same weapons that are obvious advantages, you have a problem. It's not a player created tier. It's literally that those weapons have a far greater pro to con gap. There were supposed to be intended ranges and damage fall off to compensate; with the exotic HC, these fall offs are minimal. While map size plays a factor, it's not enough to justify the level of advantage you can receive using Thorn for example. It's good at every range; the community knows that and is exploiting its power. Do I think it needs huge nerfs? No, but it or other weapons need tweaking if they want to see diversity. More health won't fix the issue because the issue is the exotic handcannons still are jacks of all trades and reward you for landing shots far more easily than autorifles due to the damage. While you may feel alive longer, those same guns will trade better and there is little strategy to compensate. Handcannons seemingly were intended to have a higher damage fall off, be less stable, and be better short-to-mid range, but even snipers can be easily outplayed by Thorn, and people's answer to Thorn is usually two other guns (Last Word, Red Death), making a repeating cycle of load outs. Simply, you don't sacrifice enough to use a hand cannon. With the aim assist in this game, the intended cons are nonexistent. If pro's and cons were more obvious for guns, then the want for players to adapt would exist because there's more strategic options and ways to approach said enemy other than the same few guns. I would like to see the game's guns function with pro's and cons so they're not the same. Different maps may help, but even in the larger maps, hand cannons can still run the show. It's a weird thing because I don't even think handcannons are OP. I think people have realized after seeing the same load outs way too often, why wouldn't you use Thorn or TLW? Also, your "go out into the world" response is a little ironic given your efforts.

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      • *is about to click the video, notice another unfair, unproven accusation of dlc greed* yeah Okey, nothing to see here folks.

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        3 Replies
        • They guy in the video has an incredible point on making the guns unusable and moving on to the next weapon. BUT, if bungie were to make scout rifles, and auto rifles, and all the games similar. It wouldn't be the game if would be. It would be a cheap, lucky shot type of game. [b][u]Now, the beginning of this video is what I'm talking about.[/u][/b] If they were to make all the guns they have, the same, the game would be like Battlefield or CoD. Getting easy kills on MLG, even though you have a bad aim. In order to make this game stand out, they need to try to have the weapons different from each other and it too overpowered, like thorn, but not the same types. The loot that your talking about though, is still working in they're favor. With their RNG it offers the customer to keep on grinding. It wouldn't be fun to have the best guns, go right to your guardian, in a matter of days. You would get all the things you need, and stop playing. And in doing so, the PvP wouldn't be balanced. Everyone having the best weapons in the game, chaos would be everywhere, rage, it would still be a game where you wouldn't need skill to be the best player. With the RNG, like I said, it wants players to keep grinding for the loot and keep playing. If they get their loot, they might stop playing, and that's the last thing companies want is to have the customer stop using their product. If you don't like any the things I said here about how is just how business works, then Destiny isn't the game for you and you shouldn't play it, if you are gonna be raging and yelling, "that's cheap" to every death.

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              • So what should they do? Spend 500 million to develop a game that maybe 100,000 people play in a hardcore way? It's meant to appeal to the casual gamer as much, if not more so than the hardcore. I don't play 30 hours a week, and I dont think that means I shouldn't be allowed to own a Gally. Stop being so elitist and open your mind. Everyone should get to have some fun, not just the hardest of the hardcore. If you want this game to survive then you'll have to deal with the casuals.

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                • Bump for later?

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                  • He hit the nail on the head about bungie constantly messing with the weapons. Auto rifles are a joke now. Spot on about his rant on the weapons

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                  • You have your concept for what destiny should be, and others share a different concept, yet ironically you flaunt yours around as superior. Have you ever played a major MMO before? Destiny is far from... You act as though advocating for a more balanced multiplayer is a sign of a lack of skill. This is a blatant contradiction. 1. How could your opinion be relevant when your stats illustrate an average player with very little experience in PvP. I'm a day one player in the top 1% K/D wise and I think destiny's current multiplayer formate caters to the less-skilled. By definition of being "unbalanced", this is then self-evident. 2. The "incentive" of getting better gear is simply an illusion of power, the game only gets easier. Some players enjoy this, and others take joy in mastering the mechanics better than anyone else, instead of just having better gear at your disposal. - this is the difference between you and I. (PvP) 3. You have no data to support your claim that those who share my opinion are in the "minority". For all you know, you're in the minority. The video assumes destiny's status as an MMO regardless of the [i]developers[/i] intentions (They call it a "shooter" first). If you've ever played a prominent MMO you've understand that this is self-evident. So it just comes down to a matter of opinion. Which, ironically, you [i]childishly[/i] present as being the more developed and mature viewpoint.

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                    • [quote]Oh, and to you kids pushing for these constant nerfs[/quote] Kind of lost all credibility when you shot that kid thing out also some people just want weapon balancing to promote diversity in the game unlike currently just the same three to four weapons in circulation. [quote] Activision, just realize that the player base KNOWS your horrid reputation for sticking your noses in the creative process, where you've no business being.[/quote] You know that Bungie and Activision are both at fault right?

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                      12 Replies
                      • Hopefully the Bungie developers will heed your passionate advice by concentrating on fixing the glitches. Unfortunately I was unaware of most of your complaints as I am 72 years old and Destiny is the first video game I have ever played. (started late January this year) I realize I will never attain the level of proficiency that you and many other have achieved but that will not reduced my enjoyment of the game. I will subscribe to your channel and continue to try to increase my skill at Destiny.

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