How does a xur post turn into americans being ignorant? Racist little shit.
I know it may be hard for you...but if you read a little further you'd understand the context of my response. But I guess simple people can't quite manage that. [spoiler]look at the amount of people slamming OP for putting the date the way he did, then you might understand.[/spoiler]
And you assumed their all american? I think you are the ignorant one. Im not even american but i find your statement to be very superficial and ignorant.
I'm willing to bet the majority of them are from their responses to my comment. That and the majority of countries use dd/mm/yy. But still, you can go and enjoy your life, so go!
Here in the US we go by month/day/year for some reason. My aussie friends and I would mess with each other about what's the correct way for laughs.
Please elaborate.
seeing people complain about how OP wrote the date.
That's hilarious. People are silly. Anyone with critical thinking skills should be able to deduce that not everyone uses the same date format. While I am from America I support your original statement. Stupid Americans! There are a lot of them. Or really I think it's ignorant Americans. The fact that people got confused by this and thought the OP was referencing December 6th is laughable. Not to mention if they did get confused, they could check a calendar and see that the 6th of December is a Sunday and Xur would be gone.
Whatchu mean, son? Because it seems the only ignorant one is you
100% flawless logic there! [spoiler]look at people complaining how OP wrote the date.[/spoiler]
I'm sorry. My patriotism got the better of me.
that is cool dude, America is cool!
Shut it fatty.
I am 6 foot 1 and 10 stone. [spoiler]come again?[/spoiler]
And you play destiny?
10 stone? I'm gonna be ignorant here and ask you to step on a scale and tell us in kilograms because I'm gonna guess you don't know how to convert between kilograms and American pounds seeing as you're from the Middle Ages
you are the one who called me fatty so if you are seriously that bothered...work it out for yourself.
I didn't call you fatty mate. Look who you're talking too next time
sorry dude, with the amount of people jumping on me here, I can't keep up with who is who! I just assumed it was you as you made reference to my reply to the other guy. My apologies!
That would be Windbelow616
I was curious