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originally posted in: Do you accept Evolution as a fact?
6/10/2015 4:04:16 PM
I'll say this.... I believe in evolution completely.... But....It is entirely possible we were created. If there is a god, or greater beings, or some sort of influence.... Then the reason we haven't seen him/them/it, Is because they are afraid of us... And they should be. Because we have essentially become gods. Picture this. All life on Earth consists of DNA strands consisting of base pairs of 4 amino acids. [b]All[/b] life on Earth. Be it plants, microorganisms, animals, fungi you name it. Last year in laboratory conditions humanity created a strand using [b]6!![/b]..... It is literally something that has never been known to have existed on this planet ever before. Essentially a new form of life. Would that make us gods? After what is a god? A creator/superior being or force?.. If there is a god or our "creator"... Then they should be afraid. Because in this scientific age we've essentially surpassed them.

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