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Edited by Jasondurgen: 6/22/2015 5:38:24 AM

The Ochman Hunt - Chapter 4

The Ochman Hunt Chapter 3 - -------------------------------------------------- [i]Chapter 4 -[/i] Soldalun, Harbinger of Death After Serenity entered the forest after the Ogres, I couldn't see her for a while. The feed jumped back and forth between cameras trying to view her, but she just wasn't visible at all. I stood there staring at the monitor in complete silence, filled with anxiety. Was the person I just practically became friends with about to die by these beasts? They were much larger than your average Ogre. Even Phogoth, the Untamed wasn't as large. I remember back when Crimson, Harrison and I, my fire team since day one, went down to the Summoning Pits on the Moon to kill Phogoth. We thought HE was big? Ha! He is dwarfed by Rune and Rone. From which ever pit of Hell they arose from, they came with vengeance on their minds, anger in their hearts, and hunger in their stomachs. About fifteen minutes went by and there still was no sight of her. The Ogres stood out like pair of black jets in a blue sky, but there seemed to be something wrong with one of the Ogres, Rone. He suddenly flew into an outburst of rage and began stomping on the ground all around him. Rune shot his eye blast down towards Rone's feet as if somebody was down there, but it just seemed to be doing nothing. Then, Rone let out a loud roar and dropped to the ground, dead. Even with a view above the corpse of Rone, there was still no sign of Serenity. Rune looked to actually be frightened by whatever killed Rone, who I can only assume to be Serenity. He backed up against the gate he entered the arena at, and looked around frantically. That's when I heard it. The sound of a fire arm going off. It was fast, loud, and probably packed one hell of a punch. Six rounds were dispatched, fast as lightning. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang! The Ogre staggered backwards, then shot its eye blast all around him. I then saw Serenity jump from a tree onto the Ogres head. She put her pulse rifle against its eye, and fired it seven times. When the Ogres swung its arm up to hit Serenity, she jumped over it, came down and stuck the Ogre in the top of its eye with her knife. She dragged the knife straight down the its eye, making a large gash; black blood poured out of it like a river. She then quickly jumped from Rune's head into a tree, and off into the forest. Rune let out a large roar of pain, and tried to fire its eye blast, but the only thing that happened was a large, purple explosion in its face which knocked it off of its feet. He squealed in pain for a few moments before falling silent. After the beast fell, I saw Serenity climb a nearby tree to get a view of the arena. "C'mon, you ass! I can't believe you sent these pathetic things out here to be a challenge for me! I'm actually ashamed of you, to be truthful" she screamed. "Ha, well that's just fine and dandy that you think Rune and Rone weren't a challenge, because they weren't supposed to be. Now, little whelp, witness the power of your King! The Plague of Darkness!" shouted the man. Rune and Rone's dead bodies then began to break apart into slush and move into each other. They looked to be combining into an even bigger Ogre. First, the legs formed, allowing it to stand up. Then, the arms traveled up the body to the shoulders and formed. Last, the head perched itself on top. "Hey, Asshole down there! I give you the disgusting, horribly magnificent, Soldalun, Harbinger of Death! Kneel before His might!" said the man again. This Ogre was huge, and it was deadly. Twice the size of Rune and Rone, and twice the lethality, it looked to the ceiling and let out the loudest roar I've ever heard. Many of the lights in the arena were busted out, and even the speakers connected to my monitor were blown out. This thing was terrifying. It was covered in a black mist, and had chains covering its back, arms, and legs. Its eye was dark red in color, and it had an odd symbol on its chest that I couldn't make out. Serenity made a quick jump for the ground to run away from the beast, while it reared back and fired its huge eye blast at the trees in her direction. It was tearing the entire arena to pieces. Chunks of tree and the earth were flying everywhere, leaving nothing behind but barren, torn up land. I looked around the sides of the arena to find the countdown timer, and there it was, with twenty minutes on it. "Come on, Serenity. Just keep moving. Don't let it get its sights on you." I whispered to myself. It was hard to watch Serenity if I could barely see her. Only five of the twenty lights in the arena were working, which probably made it difficult for her as well. As for Soldalun, that thing was just mad. And not in the angry way. It was insane. It was constantly firing its eye blast around the arena. Probably the only reason I could see what going on in there was because its eye blast was lighting everything around it. I could only sit back and hope that Serenity survives. But she's tough. She handled those two Ogres swiftly and without taking a scratch. She can last the remaining ten minutes. One minute was left on the clock, and the beast was still firing. So I knew she was still down there somewhere. I stood anxiously waiting for the timer to hit zero. But something soon happened that made me worry. Soldalun stopped firing its blast, and much of the arena grew dark. I couldn't hear what was going on because of the blown-out speakers, and I could barely even see the arena. I was in the dark. The timer eventually hit zero, and still, nothing happened. No eye blast, no Serenity. Nothing. The monitors shut off, and the panels slid back over them all. The other Guardians turned around with their blank, emotionless expressions and went back to their routine and I, still in shock, slowly sat down on my bed. Did the one person I have in this nut house who could keep me from going insane just get killed? Did she survive the encounter? I hoped she had survived. I didn't even really know her at all, but at that time, she seemed like a close friend. My mind was racing in thoughts and for once in my life, I felt kind of helpless. All I could do was sit back and wait. Just... wait... -----Chapter 5

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  • Helplessly watching....... Nice job, Sovereign (you'll always be Sovereign to me). The only thing I saw was your over usage of the word "eye." I saw it three times in three back-to-back sentences. Keep an [i]eye[/i] out for things like that as you continue on. Once again, let me know when chapter 5 is up!

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