Hillary Cliton is a really nice woman and she is really smart. I hope she wins the elections. It has been scientifically proven that women are wayyy smarter then us dumb men. My wife agrees with me and her women only book club is going to support Hillary aswell. The first woman president will be our best president yet.
This is BS. In reality, if you want some kind of "super gender and super smart person" to rule the world, you would want a person who suffers from [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androgen_insensitivity_syndrome]Testosterone insensitivity[/url]. There people will grow up with a male brain that doesn't respond to testosterone or estrogen. They grow up as a prototypical female, but are not subject to female hormone influence. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95OP9rSjxzw&list=PL150326949691B199&index=16]Source, go to the 1 hour mark and watch for about 10 min.[/url] Pretty much, the best leader in the world is a woman with a male brain that is free from both of the sexes hormone's influences.