BTW, trials god != iron banner god
Just so you know. Its possible, but not assumed.
What do you mean by this?
What he means is that in IB everybody runs around like a maniac with a shotgun. In trials it's actually tactics and gun kills
My team plays with a strategy, we win 20k-5k each game
Sorry. In computer code != means does not equal. Just because your good at trials does not mean your good at iron banner. 2 different sets of strats. If you are, great. Some of the people in my flawless trials fireteam can't go positive or barely go positive in iron banner and they pulled their weight in trials.
I agree with you mate, I'm going to change it, it does look nice 6 guardians coming in with flawless emblems, first 3 IB games today, all flawless players (not my clan sadly) I carried each game by atleast 2-3k points. Disappointed tbh
Yeah. It sucks that the flawless emblem doesn't give you bonus xp for banner. I had to tale it off