There seems to be many threads surrounding this topic, so I figured I'd set up a single recruitment/help thread to try and collate it all into one. Hopefully making it easier to find the help needed.
So if you're on the PS4 or XBox One and are at this stage of the thorn bounty and are looking for help, then simply place your details down below along with the console you are on.
Thanks all. Hopefully this helps everyone out
-blam!- the thorn bounty I don't know how the hell im gonna get past the crucible part. There is like no void weapons in the damn game and I suck dick in the crucible. At least make the bounty a little easier because I'm not spending a year trying to get a gun when I already have a hawk moon which is 100000x better than the stupid thorn. Goddamn. Lmao I got a little carried away, I have the Thorn I just don't like the crucible part. Took me 2 weeks. At least make it 200-350 and not 500. And add more void weapons in the game.