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Edited by XcEvilGenius: 10/4/2015 6:01:03 AM

Do You Agree with Bungivision's "Philosophy"?





Destiny is ment for XB1/PS4( of course last gen consoles as well). Deej gave the following in reply to Optional MM: [quote]At current, our philosophy about endgame content is that part of the challenge includes forming up a team. This is a strong community filled with players who are looking for teammates. Why not seek each other out here and band together?[/quote] [quote]Why not Seek each other out here and band together?[/quote] The game is ment for the consoles said above but yet deej and the gang want us to use A PC website or Mobile APP that is MANUAL MM than having to work and implement OPTIONAL MM in Game. Does that make sense to you guardians? Do understand Optional MM would in no way negatively affect gameplay;since it is Optional you can choose to form teams or apply for one. Next Gen consoles are suppose to be better than last gen. How is using tools out of console to play games in the console reasonable? They do not even have a PC version of the Game. Not all 12 year olds have cell phones(targeted audience). [quote] part of the challenge includes forming up a team. [/quote] What deej is saying is. " We don't have enough content to keep you interested for this 10 year plan, so we decided to extend gameplay by putting up barriers such as no Chat Box or Optional MM for Almost all Endgame content because we want it to be challenging." [b]Do you think the game is challenging enough without having to look for a team guardians? Do you understand that this game is in no way dependent upon Using a Mic and having friends? Shoot, jump, Super, Rez not that hard to do. Especially when it is only from a PUSH of a button. Players are not incompetent and do not need to be hand held through an entire strike or raid ect. The only reason for the comment deej posted about Optional MM is the following: They want us to play the game the way they want us too. Meaning they don't care if we like it or not. And as many times as we have given positive feedback to help the game, they only reply ONCE(No Discussion) to those that INTEREST them like patching the cheeses but not fixing the actual bugs in the Raids, adding a purple ball to tower ect. Ect. Point is the Philosophy of Bungie Vision is Flawed. The game itself should be challenging not forming a team to play through a simple Grind. [/b] Do you guardians agree? Please leave your feedback and if there is something you like me to add by all means comment. :) Here you will find more reasons why Optional MM should be added to all Game Modes. [spoiler] [quote]Great post, finding a group is my least favorite part of this game, matchmaking should be optional. My friends list is full of random strangers ive played with once and never doing what I am when I am. I have a strong feeling that they will never even comment on it again, but will slip it in as a strong selling point for destiny 2 to try to get more people to continue feeding their 10 year cash conveyor. [/quote] [quote]Here's a slick idea too. Why would they not have it set up to where after clearing the level 28 PoE, they give the group the option to continue together straight into the level 32? Wouldn't that go a long way towards increasing in-game friendships? No, our philosophy is that we want you to finish, leave and have to send invites and regroup and only run it on 32 if all the hoops are cleared. I've doubled my Destiny friends list in the last week... Because of the matchmaking they did put in. And anyone who says people won't talk are crazy. No one has talked in the level 28s I've run, but everyone has plugged in mics for the 32. People talk when content dictates they need to. [/quote] [quote]We need matchmaking nobody want to keep adding random people as friends. It gets so hard to have the same person online next time when u play. So that means add more friends and most the times your friends be doing something with other people that means add more friends. Do we have nothing else to do rather than keep adding people as friends and waste hours and hours on these stupid lfg sites. [/quote] [quote] [quote] Why not Seek each other out here and band together?[/quote] Because it's a drag, takes forever, requires a third-party site and results in being paired with two strangers anyway. Just give us a button for MM so people can use it or ignore it as they see fit. [/quote] [quote]Well said. Optional MM is exactly the same thing as finding/joining up with random players via the forums/website. Why don't people understand this? I am so tired of the argument "if you add optional MM all you'll get is AFK players". That's an invalid argument since people who want to let others do the work can likewise use the forums/sites to ride the coat tails of others. If I'm on the site looking for other solo players who want to do PoE guess what? We're random solo players looking for other random solo players. To be blunt the only people who want to ban optional MM are those who are on a misguided crusade as Destiny purists or those who get their jollies by keeping "less serious" gamers from accessing endgame content. Note: My opinion on optional MM applies only to ROC strike list, weekly heroic, nightfall and PoE. MM for VoG or CE would be an absolute joke because those are highly complex raids by comparison and would be a disaster [/quote] [quote] Why didnt they just make Destiny available for PC? I mean.....we LFG through a website....Should have just made an LFG feature in the game. I didnt buy a console game only to have to use other resources to locate fireteams. [/quote] [quote]Edit: So this was posted pre-HoW. I've since played PoE and still believe optional matchmaking should be available for the higher difficulties. I was originally matched random with 2 people who weren't talking. We beat the level 28 and they sent me an invite. They'd been in a private party chat and so we ran the 32 and beat it. Then they had to log off. If we'd been matchmade for the level 32, there'd have been absolutely no difference. Some may argue that the system worked because we beat the 28 and moved on together, but there's a problem with that. While it was great to run another, if people have to leave or can't run more and no one is on your friends list to run, then you're stuck with no way to progress without having to find randoms on LFG sites or spamming players. Also, if you're attempting a run and one person has to leave, you could also be screwed. There's no reason in that situation to not be able to queue for a third person. There is no more chance of success on lfg sites vs in game matchmaking.[/quote] [quote]Edit: So this was posted pre-HoW. I've since played PoE and still believe optional matchmaking should be available for the higher difficulties. I was originally matched random with 2 people who weren't talking. We beat the level 28 and they sent me an invite. They'd been in a private party chat and so we ran the 32 and beat it. Then they had to log off. If we'd been matchmade for the level 32, there'd have been absolutely no difference. Some may argue that the system worked because we beat the 28 and moved on together, but there's a problem with that. While it was great to run another, if people have to leave or can't run more and no one is on your friends list to run, then you're stuck with no way to progress without having to find randoms on LFG sites or spamming players. Also, if you're attempting a run and one person has to leave, you could also be screwed. There's no reason in that situation to not be able to queue for a third person. There is no more chance of success on lfg sites vs in game matchmaking.[/quote] [quote]The mission in HoW was the first I personally saw of the VoG. I tried some lfg sites and even had a team a couple times but they didn't want someone completely new and one or more members left. That is MY experience with external lfg sites. I work a lot, 60+ hour work weeks. The times I got full groups it took 30 minutes, and then they didn't even work out. So I'm left with the choice to forego something else in my life (sleep, time with family, etc.) In order to get a group and run the raid. Running the raid will take enough time I'm certain but waiting 30 minutes before even running the raid...just doesn't make sense. So I choose to not partake in end game activities in Destiny. Optional matchmaking would at least eliminate part of that time. I recognize I still may never complete the raid whether because of afkers or just bad players (possibly myself included in that one) but at least I'd get the opportunity to try.[/quote] the List will continue to grow!! :) [/spoiler] [b]Like the Post if your With me on this as many other guardians Are! [/b] "Stop enabling Bizarro Bungie, it's time for endgame matchmaking." by Lost Sols~ like his thread if you agree! "Making a list of disappointments with destiny (that's feedback)" by DestinysInBeta~ like his Thread if you Agree! "No Matchmaking? In game LFG?" By Tymus_The_Wolf~ like his Thread If You Agree! "Here's why you're (still) wrong about matchmaking, Bungie." By Lost Sols~ Like His Thread If You Agree! "Optional Matchmaking / LFG: Raids, Nightfall, Weekly Heroic" By Der Sheff~ like His Thread if you Agree! [b]May the Light Always Be With You![/b]

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  • The philosophy is more centered on playing with friends. I do agree that there is a lack of communication inside the game with randoms, but it doesn't seem to me like this was part of their point.

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  • Bump

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  • Bump

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  • [b]Bump.We Need Optional MM! the Darkness is trying to Consume it! Guardians!!....Light Up!!![/b]

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  • [b]We Need Optional MM! the Darkness is trying to Consume it! Guardians!!....Light Up!!![/b]

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    3 Replies
    • Edited by N4VYS43L: 5/31/2015 1:09:09 AM
      It doesn't help either that they don't know how to make a challenging game just by content itself. All the boss fights should revolve around hiding in a corner like a pussy hoping that splash damage won't kill you.

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    • They buried my thread about mm and thread deletions. Again. Made ANOTHER new one. Need some bumps guys! You can find the other 2 threads under the same title, but the 2nd of the 3 has (redo) and the linked one is 3.0 You'd think, rather than burying the thread literally at the top of the trending "heap" not once, but twice they would just go ahead and respond.

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      • Totally agree. Have read a few comments pro optional MM and those against. The arguments against hold no real reasoning or understanding when you look at what optional MM will bring. No one is asking to make it mandatory. Hell they made helms optional so it can't be that hard. I think the biggest problem is the coders are in a horrid position Because of the direction activision and Bungie took after beta release. They change so much they most likely patch out stuff and now they are trying to add more stuff but because of the coding mess they are struggling. Should hae waited 12months and released the game that was promised. Not this weak pretty much no real story game that we have now. I'll be done with HOW in a few weeks. Again lack of content will kill this game dead. 10 year plan will be cut to a 3 at this rate. Still fun game got my money's worth. :)

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      • [quote]The amounted of retarded people you would get matched up with[/quote]Would be infinitely preferable to sitting in orbit doing next to nothing because my clan mates are already teamed up in groups of 3 hitting the highest level content. So i go to LFG, make a post, including in the post that I have three Gjallarhorns all maxed at 365. But I still don't get invites because I'm only a level 33. I could get the Etheric Light to hit 34, if I can get my group together to take on the 34 PoE. Oh, wait... Bungie needs to do two things to this DLC. 1) Institute matchmaking across the board for everything except Patrol. 2) They need to include a chance at Etheric Light in [u][b]every single level variation of the Prison.[/u][/b] This would ensure that while the chance is increased for Etheric Light, it's not just "gifting bitches" (as the no-life try-hards like to word it) with the stuff. It also makes sure that you don't have people sitting in orbit for 45 minutes trying to find two people to play with because no one on their shit-tier Forums or the LFG sites won't answer becasue of level 33/G'horn-absence.

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        • From the start of this game Destiny was meant to be a cooperative team experience. That's why it requires internet so you can interact with people you know to overcome the challenges the game presents. It requires you to have friends who own the game to be able to play with them however they also have these amazing forums and places where players can meet in order to play together if for some reason they couldn't form a team at any given time. I don't see why optional matchmaking couldn't be a thing but I guess Bungie will do whatever they see fit.

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          • More vault space would be nicer than matchmaking, u got this far, when did u get so lazy ??

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            • What the -blam!- do people not understand what Optional means?

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              • -blam!- today's dark age of gaming. Bring back the previous decade of our golden age glory!

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                • Lol there's the subtle punch to the groin again

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                • I agree, you have my vote. Add Optional Match Matching for higher content with filters like microphone preferred.

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                  • Bump

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                  • Sorry but I agree with Deej for once.

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                    • Okay normally I would be agreeing but of late I gave noticed this.... Matchmaking = no talking Destiny lfg = 6 members with mics. I may not be the best at Destiny but I would say im better than average when it come to end game content but playing raid with a group having no mics would be a pain in the arse.

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                      • Bump

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                      • [b]We Need Optional MM! the Darkness is trying to Consume it! Guardians!!....Light Up!!![/b]

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                        • Bungies philosophy = Facism The Italian term fascismo derives from fascio meaning a bundle of hay, ultimately from the Latin word fasces.[14] This was the name given to political organizations in Italy known as fasci, groups similar to guilds or syndicates and at first applied mainly to organisations on the Left. Mussolini founded the Fasci Italiani di Combattimento in Milan in 1919 which became the Partito Nazionale Fascista (National Fascist Party) in 1921. The Fascists came to associate the name with the ancient Roman fasces or fascio littorio,[15] which consisted of a bundle of rods that were tied around an axe,[16] an ancient Roman symbol of the authority of the civic magistrate[17] carried by his lictors which could be used for corporal and capital punishment at his command.[18][19] The symbolism of the fasces suggested strength through unity: a single rod is easily broken, while the bundle is difficult to break.[20] Similar symbols were developed by different fascist movements: for example the Falange symbol is five arrows joined together by a yoke.[21]

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                        • Bump

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                        • Bump

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                        • Thank you to everyone fighting this fight.

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                        • Edited by scrylite: 5/29/2015 11:30:59 PM
                          If they were that interested in social exchange the game would have a text box like nearly all PC RPGs. It would allow for channel/ player/ planet/ zone/ activity texting between users. Better yet they could of included even a USB keyboard or that controller keyboard with the game. BUNGIE fails to notice that headset interaction is not far reaching and extremely limited in it's ability to multi-task request and exchanges. Text is a requirement.

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                          2 Replies
                          • No, I do not dig bungies philosophy on mm. Optional matchmaking for everything! Options bungie, options! !

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