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5/16/2015 1:44:41 PM

Crucible Clan

Looking to make a clan called Crucible kings dedicated mostly to crucible domination. Looking for guardians interested in bathing in the tears of noobs. I want competitive players but not douchebags, one must always respect their victim. It would be preferred to have players who have good K/Ds and willing to put points on the board (you don't have to be top spot but please contribute at least a couple kills). However if there are noobs out there with ambition we'd love to have you on board as well. Also I am not an amazing crucible player but I want to improve so I'd love to get people in the clan who are far superior to me to help dominate! Add your psn name and add me GodammitNickago. Clan will be called Crucible Kings and we could all get decked out in new monarchy shaders.

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