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originally posted in: NERF SHOULDER CHARGE.
Edited by Gosha 5/15/2015 10:13:05 AM
Yes, let's Nerf shoulder charge, but while we are at it let's remove blink, and giving hunters / warlocks extra melees just to level the playing field. But we can't stop there no no no, in the name of balance we must also remove every exotic weapons exotic perk so babies stop crying on forums and take out supers so no one whines about "panic supers" in the crucible. What a wonderful idea, thank you based PvP player for trying to ruin the good part of the game, stop whining because you're making the majority upset with these unnecessary Nerfs, you don't here me going on forums asking bungie to Nerf the vandals sniper rifle because it one shot me on an arc burn nightfall, when you think about it that way its just stupid. But everyone in PvP just blames the gun and not themselves, which is hilarious cause they are trash (lmao) but let's be honest here kiddo, making something else weak, will make something else shine and boy oh boy are you ever gonna hate it. Main evidence (scrubs wanted auto rifles nerfed, thorn wasn't a problem, auto rifles got nerfed, everyone cries Nerf for thorn now) Rant over. :) Edit 1: #b8

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