18 bullets per mag with lower impact but high fire rate..... situational i guess?
Pve. For mid range encounters, as an alternative to fusion rifles. I just don't understand why thereby aren't more. The dataminers have only found the 2 we know about. The exotic. The vestian dynasty. Which is probably a quest reward because it's not rerollable and comes already at 365. And they are both arc. I was hoping to get a legendary one of each element.
Looks like the new necrochasm......
Looks to me like a five seven from MW3. Oh how people hated me with that thing. If its damage is just high enough it could be destructive at taking out charging shotgunners.
I am so excited for it, even if it's not the best I'll keep using it for the cool factor. But please add a primary sniper rifle other than the NLB to go along with it!