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originally posted in: What's wrong with broman?
5/7/2015 3:27:46 AM
Anyone sticking up for him obviously watches his stuff. He was obnoxious and dumb. He made annoying peewee Herman style laughs and yells every few seconds and hogged the spotlight. I literally had to keep adjusting my volume cause of him. The sound would go all soft, so it was hard to hear everyone, so I'd turn it up, but he'd start his dumb stuff again and I'd have to turn it back down.... And apparently I'm not the only one that had to do that. On top of that, he'd yell and/or talk over deej and Matt when they'd try to explain something, which ruined the reveal. Also, Everyone kept dying, but I think they did because they were so thrown off by his behavior. I was trying to read the comments on the stream, and [b]almost[/b] every other comment was about broman being too loud. I turned it off early cause of his behavior. A lot of people did as well, so anyone who sticks up for him, is a person who follows him. I haven't watched anything by him, so first impression of him was bad. Not the type of person bungie should've picked for this reveal.

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  • This was my experience summed up completely. I wanted to hear what the designer was trying to say but all I got was <assume stupid loud kid like voice>"wizards are mean! Why did you make wizards?" From a 40 yr old.... I lasted 8 minutes

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  • he reminded me of a very unfunny seth rogan

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  • Edited by JetEyeKnight: 5/7/2015 4:50:07 PM
    I am not a fan of his at all, but just shut up already. That's just his personality. Bungie knew this going into it. He had headphones on, so he couldn't hear DeeJ or Simons talking over the gameplay. That's why he talked over them. On accident. Also people talk louder when wearing headphones.

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  • You dont think the headsets were connected?

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  • No they weren't. That's why DeeJ was 1-earing his. They could have easily adjusted the volume of Broman's mic, but chose not to.

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  • I was wondering why DeeJ's headset looked funny.

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  • I will have to go back and watch without the volume. Hopefully they added subtitles.

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  • Well said

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  • If you think he was bad then you should've seen Gothalion he was worse.

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  • Completely agree. I've never heard of the guy and though I certainly don't dislike him because of this, my first impression of him was very low. Instead of myself being excited for the PoE gameplay I was constantly thinking, "will this guy please shut up." I don't think I've ever seen an adult act in such an obnoxious manner. Maybe he had a few energy drinks before? Or did a line of coke? Idk man that would explain his horrible gameplay as well....

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  • Neither of those would affect his ability to play lol. If anything, he would've been MORE focused.

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  • Or maybe a line of coke 😂

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  • A line of coca-cola drinks

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  • Indeed, and what's up with the weird throat voice he was using when shouting or saying stupid shit? One moment he was talking with his regular voice and the next moment he started using some strange voice and shouting all the time.

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  • ever hear peewee herman or bobcat goldthwait? they were comics who did some weird voice thing. I assume he's trying to do his thing as well, but if you've ever heard peewee herman's "haha" laugh, he kinda sounded like a version of that. Either way.... I couldn't take him.

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  • Well said

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  • You had to keep adjusting your volume? Oh you poor thing you. How will you ever be the same

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  • Is that all you have to bring to the conversation? just a random jab in an attempt to feel big?? does it feel good to pull up the big boy pants?? Yes... A LOT of people had sound issues. Their sound feed was too low. Then it would normalize. then it would go low again. Throw in that jackass's dumb "performance" for his online crowd, and yea, I had to keep readjusting the sound level because he'd overwhelm my sound system. Some of us actually spend money in quality audio. Since I use a pc hooked up to my sound system/60 inch tv, yea, it can get quite loud. Not sure you'd be bright enough to understand that neighbors and things in general would be a factor here, and that loud garbage like that is considered rude to play too loud. But you probably didn't think of that.

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  • "Anyone sticking up for him obviously watches his stuff" that's an extremely ignorant assumption. That's like saying if you defend black people against racism you must be black. Assumptions as usually ignorant but based off this I assume you're an idiot. But the funny thing is I have more of a right to assume this than what you assumed. And before you ask, no, I don't watch his stream. Did it ever cross your mind that Bungie chose this guy for a reason? That they wanted him to be loud and eccentric instead of meek and boring? Do you think that maybe people at Bungie briefed him on how he should and shouldn't act beforehand? I'd guess they told him something along the lines of "Okay Broman. You're the personality of this stream. DeeJ and (I forgot his name) are just here to answer your questions. We just want you to follow a few guidelines. Emphasize how hard this game type is. Talk about what the enemies are doing and how the modifiers are affecting your gameplay. But most importantly stay excited. We love your energy and that's what we want" I'll admit he wasn't perfect. He was a little over the top but he isn't a professional performer. He was probably nervous and was just acting, in general, how Bungie told him to act

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  • Actually, it's a valid assumption based on the fact that most people on the reveal stream were annoyed by broman so much so that they voiced it quite angrily. The fact that MANY comments stating his voice and actions are too much to handle seemed to be on a high portion of people's minds. Also, the comments from people sticking up for him that read "that's just how he is" or "he's always that loud" definitely give me the right to make a safe assumption that "anyone sticking up for him obviously watches his stuff". It was plain as day for all to see that people familiar with his online stuff were the only ones sticking up for him. And no.... your "racism" comparison isn't even on the same level. You obviously wanna "win" this conversation, so you jump to something you think will take the conversation, but all you're doing now is putting your foot in your mouth. Racism and someone acting a fool shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence. And by the way, for someone who's trying to prove a point, all you're doing is proving that you know how to contradict yourself. Your constant repeating of the word "assume" only proves the high level of ignorance you possess. Yes, it crossed my mind that bungie chose broman for a reason. Now, the fact that you "assume" bungie coached him on how to act, proves you contradict yourself and that YOU are the ignorant one in this conversation. For the sake of argument... if bungie told him how to act, do you think they said "talk over us every time we try to explain a new feature", or "make dumb, peewee herman style laughs and sounds every few seconds at high levels so the audience can't hear DeeJ and Matt explaining the new content"? Nope. If anything, they probably thought he'd show respect and not try to make it out to be the broman show. He clearly disregarded ANY/ALL ways that bungie told him how to act. But again, I'm responding to your "this is how to act" idea, which again, is YOUR assumption, which is a blatent contradiction of your opening response. Your whole argument basically negates itself. Good stuff, bud. In the last sentence of your response, you actually said he was over the top. This leads me to think that you felt the same way as the majority, but you're just another person who loves to take jabs at people, while hiding behind a keyboard, so you throw your petty "You had to keep adjusting your volume? Oh you poor thing you" comment at me, just to get attention and to feel big. You don't realize it yet, but all you've done is effectively prove how dull, ignorant & small you are. There was no need to even come here and say anything to begin with. You obviously read the op's title, and thought "I can attack someone in here just to make myself look tough", but you chose me, probably because you couldn't figure out how to throw a cheap, one line attack at the op. And for what? You're starting to admit you agree on some level with the things I've said. I think you didn't expect any of these responses, and now you're stuck looking like the fool. Suggestion; stop while you're ahead. You're contradicting yourself a bit too much here, and all the while, you agree that broman was too much for the reveal stream. Let's just stop here.

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  • He was annoying, loud, and obnoxious. I don't k ow how you can pretend it as anything else.

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  • Bullshit. Deej is community manager. He's on the forums watching what we, as a group, like and don't like. On average, most gaming communities have a large distaste for obnoxious streamers like Broman. In what world do you think Bungie was unintelligent enough to ignore their core demographic?

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  • couldn't of said it any better!

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  • Bump for the first line

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  • Same

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