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5/6/2015 10:41:35 AM
Me: *Minding business fighting Dark souls 2 boss.* Sister: *Slithers out of her lair to disturb said business minder.* Me: *Sees slithering snake prepares for annoyance.* Sister: Hey is it okay if I watch T.V.? Me: Sure lemme finish this boss and make it to the next bonfire. Sister: But my show comes on in 5 minutes! Me: Your show should pick better timing. Wench: What are you doing anyway? You should go outside more. Me: You should keep said opinion to thine self. Sister: *Grabs remote while I'm focusing on not getting removed from existence.* Sister: *Changes T.V. input to cable.* Me: *Grabs sister by shirt throws on ground, proceeds to thoroughly curb stomp ovaries.* Whore: Why are you so violent? Me: -blam!- off. Heretic: Give me back the remote. Me: -blam!- off a cliff. Me: Switch back to Dark souls 2, repeat boss that was 2- swings from a graveyard.

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