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5/6/2015 1:51:12 AM
Outright assuming someone is an atheist because of their support for a theory. What a closed-minded way to think. You are the worst kind of Christian. And believe me, I am surrounded by many and have met a few great ones, and ones that are as judge mental and as closed-minded as you don't deserve to claim to be of the same religious affiliation as the better ones. It says in the bible that it isn't your place to judge, yet you go against it and do so anyway. While you continue to throw sand in your neighbors face by claiming they will burn in hell, you too will meet the same fate if you don't change your broken ways.

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  • Sir, first off, the bible never states that. Idk what sort of version your religion is affiliated with, but I am simply spreading the word and my belief, just as this person is. I said he was atheist, because his hashtag says atheism. I am sorry if my assumption was incorrect, but his theory only made him seem more like an atheist. Also, I am a strong Christian, if someone offends God, or states he is not real, I will be the first line of defense for my lord, good sir. And millions of more lines of defense will come after me. So good sir, I would stop accusing one for throwing sand in their neighbors face, when you are doing the same thing.

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