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5/5/2015 11:18:27 PM
Actually I can. You do realize I wasn't always this grounded in my faith right? As a matter of fact I love science. Biology is fun. Except in science there's more theory than fact. Evolution is a theory. Is it hard to believe that people have always been people, that apes have always been apes or that fish have always been fish? If a scientist told you that the color green is not actually green would you believe them because they said it or because its different? I bet if the bible didn't talk about miracles you would believe it because it would be an average ordinary book. But the fact is the bible is truth. Now you may say that's an opinion and it is but who says because it's an opinion it isn't true? The human mind can't comprehend what it can't explain and rejects what's presented even if what's presented is as real as you and I. If every scientist and evolutionist came together and said evolution is wrong and God is real would you believe them? If so why can't you believe what's written in the Bible which is the living word of God?

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