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5/5/2015 3:18:41 PM
Agree with the buff and especially with the last edit. The range and damage falloff nerfs are fine, but the damage needs to be restored to how it was at launch. This was all done in an effort to balance PvP and to encourage us to use other guns in PvE. The problem is that they forget that for a large portion of the playerbase autos are and will always be the go to weapon. These are the people that don't come to the forums, that don't raid on any regular basis, that log in to do the Weekly Heroic and some Crucible and aren't comfortable using anything else. Auto rifles will always reign supreme in terms of use for any shooter because it's what most people are used to, especially in PvP. Just because they are (or were) used more than anything else doesn't mean they were OP, just that they were popular. I completely agree with the pulse rifle buff, that weapon class needed it. However, while I enjoy using hand cannons, sometimes I want to breakout my Suros or Abyss Defiant just to change things up. Autos are fun weapons to use. Unfortunately they are useless in pretty much any PvE situation when compared to the other 3 primary weapon classes. Bungie wants them to be mid-range weapons, then the range, damage falloff, and stability should reflect that intention, as it currently does. Damage needs to be restored so that autos are no better or no worse than the others and fill the spot Bungie intended.

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