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Edited by Kreis: 7/28/2015 2:55:26 PM

Re-Buff Auto Rifles Completely! Poll.

Yes, Auto Rifles should be re-buffed completely.


No, Auto Rifles should remain the shittiest tier.


Nerf HC's and PR's to pea-shooters like the AR's.


I could care f*cking less.


I'm here for the results.


So, understandably Bungie nerfed Auto Rifles as the statistics proved they were the most over-used weapons in almost every activity. Now that they've castrated and killed Auto Rifles completley and buffed Pulse Rifles to top-tier and Hand Cannons to the most over-used genre of weapon, they might as well restore ARs to their former glory to compete with the newly buffed and overused Hand Cannons. If they re-buff ARs, will you not use Thorn anymore? TLW: 2 Hipfire = Kill. Thorn: 2 Headshot = Kill. Red Death: 2 Headshot = Kill. Scout Rifle: 3 Headshot = Kill. ( G-Demise ) Auto Rifles cannot compete with any of these weapons at close range. If two players that were both pros shot at eachother with perfect aim from the same distance, all of the weapons I just mentioned would clearly win. Unless you get the first shot, no. The first 3-10 shots in, you will lose any gunfight with an Auto Rifle against a skilled player. EDIT: Bungie finally gave in. Not only are Thorn and the Last Word receiving a due nerf, but Auto Rifles are receiving the exact buff we decided on ( Or mostly ) To restore Auto Rifles to their prime damage but to keep the range nerfs in place to limit Auto Rifles to close-mid range encounters like Thorn and Last Word were originally intended to be. Thank you all for consistently bumping this forum and I'm gladly looking forward to the Auto Rifle buff.

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  • There should be one where the low impact/ high rof get a bigger buff and the high impact/low rof have a lower buff

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  • After reading the last edit, switched my vote to yes. Having it back to exactly where it was would not help at all with weapon diversity

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    • I just liked having gun fights with auto rifles, with TLW and Thorn there isn't a fight. Last word for example, I come around a corner and you're sitting a medium distance (longer than shotgun range) all I hear is PLUM PLUM. I'm dead. There isn't a fight with the handcannons. Thorn is a f ucking sniper rifle. There's no point in snipers anymore because of that. The point is you're ignorant if you don't think Thorn and TLW are OP. Some people still want to leave auto rifles as is.. I think you're an idiot then, then some scrub says learn to outplay it learn to run away. How can I run away from a sniper? Run away from TLW? In control I have to run around and capture the point I can't just hide. When I have MIDA and you have Thorn.. at across map range you shouldn't win against me in a gun fight. I have a gun MEANT for range handcannons are supposed to be short range. They're broken fix them. Buff ARs immediately

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      • Yes pls buff I mean really hand cannons have been overused for so long now but do they get a nerf? Of course not. People say AR's take no skill. Have you seen the kick on some of those things? Like a wild bronco. The VanquisherVIII as many other people was my go to weapon. But now it is like shooting toilet paper. Suros Regime is also a good example. Bungie nerfed it even before the 1.1.1 update. So if no AR buff then at least take Suros and Hard Light back to exotic level

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        • Bump.

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        • I will bump this but I would Suggest that if you move this to feed back section of forums, it might catch Bungie's attention alot more.

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        • No, I don't feel auto rifles should be buffed. No I don't feel everything else needs to be nerfed. I feel like Destiny needs to re-evaluate how it balances weapons. Pulse rifles get xx% buff to this, Auto Rifles get xx% nerf to that..... why in the -blam!- when there's so many different variants and so many perks do we get 'weapon class balancing' yet with the majority of the exotics ( i.e. exotic buff patch 1.0 that buffed bad juju, red death ... nerfbuffed the invective, etc etc) get the solo-dolo treatment ? I understand the general purpose of the balancing of weapons based on class but this does not apply when Destiny is concerned. Bungie needs to individually balance weapons as well as class balance them due to the way that those buffs/nerfs affect individual weapons. With the auto rifle nerf it was clearly obvious and even stated by Bungie themselves that the low impact auto rifles would suffer less than ones like suros with high impact. This did not take into account however, the total shit of all low impact auto rifles anyway further increasing their uselessness. Those weapons in particular were the ones that needed to be adjusted with the only real 'nerf' required being to suros regime as it has the highest impact of any auto rifle ever. Handcannons for the most part are in a good place yet INDIVIDUAL weapons within that class ( i'm looking at you, you thorny -blam!-) need to be nerfed and or buffed ( the devil you don't). Bungie, please for the sake of all things bootyfull begin to balance your shit fully and not with this half assed laziness that ends up ruining entire classes of weapons. I could go on all day providing specific examples of how different weapons in a specific class need to be adjusted individually and not as a whole. Like how jolders could use a small nerf while Super Shit Advice STILL needs more boofs. I'd rather not spend all day on this though so I'll leave it at that. INDIVIDUAL BALANCING IS KEY

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        • Edited by weaver: 5/5/2015 12:19:32 PM
          At the very least make auto rifles useful in PvE. Just like what they did with the shotguns. My complaints: - Suros does not heal as well as Red Death and the healing chance should be slightly increased - All low impact AR should get an impact boost of +8 - Increase chance for Abyss Defiant to blind Wizards - Increase drop % chance for Monte Carlo

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          3 Replies
          • Would be nice to see ARs at least be a viable option again, all I saw in IB on the weekend was thorn, tlw, and red death on 90% of the people, at least re-buffing ARs would add some variety to what people use, I miss when my shadow price was actually good.....

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          • It's 1991 and the Los Angeles riots are in full swing. You run into a group of thugs in an ally and they want to jack your ride. Would you rather use an AK-47, or a revolver to defend yourself? Duh. Fix ur shit Bungie.

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            4 Replies
            • I personally think they buffed pr's bc no one uses them and buffed shties caus everyone used fusion rifles. I used to LOVE the Golden gun first exotic fav weapon now its honestly hard to use.

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            • PVP - at least partially buff back and see how it goes a while PVE - no excuses, fix them

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            • Yup i still have my shadow price, also ar where never very op. You could of fought a 1v1 fight and it would have been a toss up againist hand cannons and scouts. But they had to buff everything and nerf assault rifles at the same time which was pointless. They needed to bring up the other classes, not nerf assault rifles, they where always in a good spot, well maybe besides range. The community has pretty much spoken at this point. So by house of wolves, we shouldn't have useless assault rifles.

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            • The only two nerfs they need is a stabilty a nerf and minor damage nerf.

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            • The same idiots who nagged and got the auto rifles nerfed are now trying to get thorn and tlw nerfed

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              4 Replies
              • they do need to do something with autos... as its nearly pointless using them now. i used to love my Vanquisher in crucible :(

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              • Bring back the damage, keep the range the way it is.

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                2 Replies
                • Edited by Clay COCKWIDTH: 5/5/2015 1:48:00 PM
                  Bump. They went WAY overboard with the nerf. Shadow price used to be a viable gun for pvp, hell, even PvE. Now they're all garbage. Suros is pretty decent in pve but not near exotic status. I'd never use it in a lvl 30 event, put it that way. Just gets used for fun Up for Anything, post 1.1.1 is probably one of the better all around ARs now and that's sad. I was never an AR guy but i liked having the OPTION to use them if i chose to. Bungie is dictating which guns you can/can't use to an unreasonable extent. Mark my words, by Destiny 2 you will see none of these problems. I love this game but i feel it was released way way too early and we are a massive beta test essentially. That's fine as well cause it's cheap fun, but i'd love to see the mistakes fixed. No more bandaids please!

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                • Edited by LordofChaos: 5/5/2015 1:33:02 PM
                  AR's were not ever meant to compete against those weapons at close range. AR's are not close range weapons and are not meant to be either. AR's are for medium to long range and not close to short range. AR's are not SMG's there is no SMG in destiny.

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                  • You can't completely rebuff them, but put them up halfway between original power and post nerf.

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                  • Edited by raidking247: 5/5/2015 1:40:45 PM
                    Check destiny tracker and under news go to house of wolves info go down you will see High impact auto rifles return

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                    • none of your choices.. they should be re-buffed.. but not completely.. give back maybe 50% of what they took and they should be balanced

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                      3 Replies
                      • You missed the best option... Leave other weapons the way they are now. Give auto rifles a buff, but not to the way they used to be. Pre-nerf auto rifles were overpowered (in crucible) and they deserved a nerf, just not to the same extent that they did.

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                        • If not in general, AR's should at least be buffed back to their original state for PvE. The total nerf was based on PvP. then the next nerf because they didn't like how it was 'over-used' because some Bungie dev who designed bad juju had a whinge fit. Best of all... that nerf? it took place the same time they did a PvE only buff to shotguns.. it's like saying "hey guys, we nerfed Auto's, even if you only play PvE, and not PvP, blame PvP, you're welcome. by the way, here's a PvE only buff to shotguns, just to show we lied, and we could easily keep weapon values from PvE and PvP separate the entire time. Next time we nerf AR's it's be PvE only to show we're serious."

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                          • Only in PVE should auto rifles be buffed

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                            7 Replies
                            • Poll Is completely biased. Thread is therefore irrelevant

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