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5/4/2015 8:06:11 PM

Stop hating Bungie!

Hello Destiny community, Lately I have noticed a LOT of hate towards Bungie. Now step back and think for a moment while you read this. We all know that people hate Bungie for all different reasons. -Not nerfing guns for no reason -Fast game progression -Not adding every single thing everyone demands -Saying "lies" about [u]future[/u] additions. -Destiny not being perfect (If there are any others, say them below) Tell me this? Who commenting here works for them? Who here puts their time into developing Destiny? Who here knows the millions of challenges that come with developing online multiplayer games. Who here even can develop software? Probably not many. Video game company like Bungie put lots of time into making quality games people will like. Software developers. Creating every single second you see on screen perfecting it to be playable. Do we recognize this? Do we recognize the countless hours put into video game development? Most of us do not. All we care about is that it meets our needs. We never stop and thank for what we have now in Destiny. We never think of what is added. All we think of is what should be added or what we want. It is impossible to satisfy anyone. Spend a little while to think from the developers' point of view. They are people with jobs to develop this. There are also people like Deej who post updates and news on the game. Just to add, stop hating Deej, he's just doing his job. Many suggestions are good and who knows? They may be working on some. You may say "Of course not, it hasn't been added." Honestly? When did you get the idea that game design was easy? When did you get the idea it was quick? I bet most of you can't even make Pong. All I'm saying is stop hating the developers for meeting your every command. They are doing the best they can to make Destiny as close to perfect as they can.

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