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originally posted in: Evolution is a fact, but...
Edited by TwistedKinetiX: 5/4/2015 8:26:20 AM
I've come to find the evolution/creation debate quite pointless and boring. I grew up in an pro-evolutionary education system and also spent a number of years surrounded by creationist minded Christians during a period of my life in a church. Both sides do have rationale and interesting perspectives to their arguments in some way. I'm a fairly open minded individual and believe there's possibilities in anything. But... I DONT KNOW BECAUSE I WASNT THERE... AND THEY DONT KNOW BECAUSE THEY WERENT THERE. It's very simple in fact. Because we just don't know... Nobody walking this earth right at this moment was there during that time, nobody ever witnessed any of this. So none of us really know. In both cases it's faith. Faith in the words of the religion and teachings of religious leaders, and it's faith in science with math, education and opinions of people who are usually smarter than me who can baffle me with science. But, no matter how much scientists try to baffle me with science, or I hear a religious perspective trying to convict my conscience about my afterlife status or position with God, I have my own peace not to let it settle in my head. Why, again, none of them were there, so none of them are right, and none of you are right.... So unless you were there, then you don't have credibility to argue your side... If you were, then I'm all ears. Evolution and Creationism are both faith based belief systems. Fact. Edit: For clarification, I'm not an Atheist. I have a comfy seat on top of the fence. Life's a lot simpler up here.

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