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originally posted in: Evolution is a fact, but...
5/1/2015 12:40:28 AM
God you people are so stupid. The earth is billions of years old. Scientifically proven fact. And you know what macro evolution is? It's just a bunch of micro evolutions put together. So so stupid

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  • However much I agree with you, stupid really isn't the proper term, more like misinformed. I'm not a Christian but I do rather like this quote from Jesus that I think applies: Forgive them for they know not what they do.

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  • Jesus stated that when He was on the cross, dying for our sins, which they knew not why that was necessary for the world. Take that verse into context; that is, situational context.

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  • Edited by BlackDeath A5: 5/1/2015 3:20:27 AM

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  • Edited by BlackDeath A5: 5/1/2015 3:23:08 AM
    I was referring to: Luke 23:34 New International Version (NIV) 34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

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  • Again, where was Jesus at the time, and what was He doing?

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  • Edited by SSG ACM: 5/1/2015 1:17:05 AM
    The article above explained that in order for even micro-evolution to develop, the same environmental hazards have to be currently existing to keep the genetics from reversing. If Evolution is true, those hazards have to exist now, but they aren't. It is apparent in the world, but not in the studies of Evolution.

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  • Evolution thought of in a point A to B sort of way where there is a foward or reverse isn't realivent to the theory of evolution because evolution is active. Evolution is not linear, however it appears so in retrospect. Evolution is reactive or as I like to think of it, circumstantial.

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  • You're basing off the fact that evolution can reverse off of what? If you believe that everything is in a full motion forward, what will humans evolve into next?

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  • Circumstantially, it can reverse.

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  • The reason there had been such a vast number of species, 99% of all species to ever exist are now extinct, is because the hazards are always different. The different hazards means that creatures will evolve very differently situation to situation. The article is simply wrong. Almost every creationist website argument relies on a general ignorance of science.

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  • He's too far gone, don't bother arguing.

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  • Edited by SSG ACM: 5/1/2015 1:20:56 AM
    Really? I thought it was because of a flood.

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  • A basic understanding of geology quickly shows the flood as impossible. And for how creationist love to state the laws of thermodynamics, they sure do ignore them when it comes to the flood.

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  • What conflicts? The Bible stated that in those days rain never came to the earth (Genesis 2:5-6). Some Christians like to argue against it, but the Bible validated itself in that passage.

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  • Why do you never question whether the Bible is true? I don't care what the bible says, geology (the science that deals with the dynamics and physical history of the earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the physical, chemical, and biological changes that the earth has undergone or is undergoing) does not even mention a world wide flood. Water can't just be added by rain, that is not how the water cycle works. I mean we learned about this stuff in like 2nd grade.

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  • The bible validates itself? Are you serious? There is not enough water on earth in the air, oceans and ice to even flood more than half of the visible land mass. For the flood to happen not only would matter had to have been created, it would have to also be destroyed. Congrats, the laws you incorrectly use to try to disprove evolution, actually do disprove the biblical flood. Irony.

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  • [quote]The bible validates itself? Are you serious?[/quote]When Deists argue against it, yes, I'm serious.

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  • The bible cant validate itself just like the book The Lorax can't validate the existence of a lorax. And what about everything else I said?

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  • I'm not wasting my time on this. Evolution is real. You don't have to have the same conditions forever. That'd actually prevent evolution because there would be no need to change. I have more important things to do than argue with someone who can be proven wrong by a simple google search. Good bye

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  • It doesn't matter, natural selection just wouldn't occur at first. Mutations would still happen. If that mutation provides a strong benefit, then natural selection takes over.

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  • Can you say that we are evolving today, as human beings into something more?

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  • Yeah, we are constantly evolving.

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  • Into what?

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  • Evolution is a process that take thousands of years, you compare the first generation with the last, if they are a different species then evolution has occurred. We are constantly adapting, we don't just jump to a different species, it takes many many years.

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  • [quote]Can you say that we are evolving today, as human beings into something more?[/quote] Classic gnostic thinking. You seem to think all things lead to some form of ascension. That's not what it's about. It's merely about survival by what works. It's not a move upward, backward, sideways, or any other direction. It just is.

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