Butthurt much? Take a joke bro
Typical mute post... [spoiler]...muted[/spoiler]
Mute me too bitch! #ihate-blam!-ersthatfeeltheneedtohashtag [spoiler]#too #late #I #muted #you #first[/spoiler]
Hahaha thx
# -blam!-whoannounceseverytimehemutessomeone
Yep, so they know how stupid they are. Just like you. [spoiler]#Yougotmutedtoo[/spoiler] [spoiler]*drops the mic[/spoiler]
why do you tell people that you're muting them when you can just do it? it benefits you but literally doesn't hurt them in any way, shape or form. You're a nobody to everyone on this forum. no one will be upset you can see the posts they make. "muted" comments are almost if not worse than #satire and other shit posts that infest this already terrible cesspool of subhuman scum we know as the destiny community.