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originally posted in: DESTINY 4TH OF JULY SPECIAL WEAPON
4/21/2015 6:00:32 AM
because that appeals to a global market. You broke from our country, what more do you want? No need to rub it in our faces that you wanted to be on your own. To be honest, I don't think we need your trainwreck country, but, my own opinions on americas politics are off the wall and very much a brittish view. but hey, we can't even keep the union together, so, soon you might want to add guns for Scotland, Ireland, Wales...

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  • My grandparents went to the US and went into a school and were asked if we still use candles or if we have electricity in the UK. That was over 15 years ago.

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  • *Facepalm* Really?? I pity America sometimes, but, it's because they're a church based country, they're all about the faith, which in some respects is good, but, in others, bad.

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  • God forbid an American video game company puts a gun in the game that appeals to Americans.

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  • Oh, yeah, because America is so self entitled. Just because you're huge doesn't make you the most important, 6 billion people DON'T live in the US...but then, there are a good amount of people in the US who don't know other countries exist, i'm surprised you actually can function as a country half the time.

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  • Funny, I don't see your countries flag on the moon.

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  • Too busy funding India's space programme because we're too dumb to realise that our foreign aid is going into the wrong pockets.

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  • What the -blam!-? Where the hell did you come up with that from? The OP is simply stating that they should make a gun to pay homage to America and its national holiday, and you started spouting off about how stupid of an idea that is because the game is played around the world. But, the company who [b][i]MADE THE GAME [/i][/b]is in [b][i]AMERICA[/i][/b], so why is it wrong for them to pay homage to their own country? How is that, in any way, selfish? Does it hurt you? No. Does it give the American players an advantage? No. That's like saying it's selfish that Olympic teams sport their home flag.

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  • I'm not saying don't celebrate independence, day, you would anywyas, I'm just perhaps thinking, not a gun? Maybe just another jackolyte thing with an american theme?

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  • Didn't mean to get all political...if anything it kinda makes fun of America in the fact that we want everything big and powerful as a posed to precise... take the suv vehicle .. It is an American developer though so I don't see any reason it couldn't celebrate it's own holidays...

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  • I'll stick to VaulksWagen for my cars if I wanted them, or Ford, Ford's English XD

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