My PSN is Formidablespork
[b]Due to this being a massive response I cannot possibly add all of you. I am in the process of making a clan and getting this ball rolling! I will be enlisting helpers each day to help expand in a friend tree, look to here for updates! [/b]
Looking for people to fill 2-4 slots of a raid group. Min level 27, ideally 30. You will et gear from runs. You won't be a liability
Based on ABILITY TO LISTEN AND LEARN. Will be teaching all aspects to every member. Quite happy to help
Normal reasons why people get rejected DO NOT APPLY. I don't care if you are young or old, guy or girl, or what hear you have as long as you learn because current members can get to death singer easily
What I want from this? A permanent raid group. But I will be teaching all comers possible. Giving you lot the skills to set up your own
Edit: Clan is up and running - Sporkraiders PS3 first successful run completed today with a group of strangers so this is working
Edited by FormidableSpork: 4/27/2015 11:36:28 AM
I apologise for not being able to add everyone. For a first day this idea expanded far faster than I would have expected it to. We are still looking for members: Everyone is accepted
I want a to join, i have no Mic, and i only done VoG 2 times, but i have played or join in groups to help some scenes same with Crota Raid. Im from Mexico but i can understand you. I really wants to join you :D my ID is Mcleod2402
Add me. I have experience on both CE and VOG on both normal and hard difficulty. My GT: SunKingXIV
Pick me up I'll help out with raids. Have flawless raider trophy. I'm pretty good at crucible to
Add me if you want. Always looking for more people to play with. Ive only done vog fully once and atheon checkpoint once. Never done full crota. Only bridge checkpoint and the group I was with couldnt do it while cheesing so I left. Gt is same as above and have a mic. I'm on some week days during the evening but mostly on during the weekend.
I'd love to pitch in. Completed both raids multiple times and geared out pretty well including max gally. Need more sword practice, and if helping rookies through the raids is the way to get it, count me in.
I am up for a ps3 raid team, I am slowly building up my ps3 account but as you can see I have loads of experience raiding with my xbox one account
I know the raids pretty well. I have a 32 lock and 31 hunter and Titan. I've been super bored, so I'll help noobs with raids whenever I'm free((typically sat afternoon) My screen name is the same as my user name
Edited by The_Scorpion_NL: 4/20/2015 2:23:50 PMYou can add me if u want. Im usually wanting to help out if im on Got a 32 and 2 31s Experienced in vog/crota Usually got my mic on unless battery died again :/ The_scorpion_nl Ps3-gmt+1
I'd like to learn the raids I've only done the odd checkpoint with randoms from lfg sites. I'm on most weeknights gmt for an hour or 2. Add mat_p-b
U seem good Highly skilled titan I can do it all cept Sword bear hard mode Add moses_waves
You can add if you want me and my friends having a hard time finding people to do raids we know most the only thing we don't know is do the sword on crota
I've been looking for a good raid group and have found some good guardians but not a consistent group. I'm on EST and play quite a bit on Mondays and Tuesdays and some the rest of the week. I have 3 32s and I've done both raids and willing to help in whatever capacity that the group needs. PSN is eZe471.
Level 29 warlock, I've done VOG a few times never completed crota and I'm not a valiantly all of the time(school) I'm 14 years old and am willing to learn just send me a friend request and I'll accept it next time I'm on 😄 PSN-CreepCow1
Edited by MrPreston_x: 4/20/2015 1:35:19 PMI have three characters hunter 28 warlock 31 and Titan 31, I am a very casual gamer by this I mean I play probably 3-4 nights a week out of the 7 mainly weekends though, would love to have a group where when I play I get invited straight into something rather than keep going though LFG's, I have a bit of experience in both raids but don't have that many completions overall, if anyone is interested add MrPreston_x oh and I also have a mic and my timeline is London, 22 years old
Edited by xDarkAngel1: 4/20/2015 1:28:33 PMWould you be able to teach me how to cheese the bridge and/or use the sword for Crota? I've never done it. I'm level 32. Best time for me is 10pm onwards GMT
Vog hard fresh start Psn thailando-06
Once again guys and gals, there is NO criteria to match other than these simple rules: Have a minimum (or soon to be) level of 27, so it is possible to take you in the first place (using CE as example) i can do enough to get you to 31 Be polite. Being an ass will get you kicked. That's not why we are here Some way to communicate. If you don't have a mic. No problem, just make sure you can hear me through the TV. Youll be using sign language to communicate. Lastly, skill or no skill is welcome, if you have a particular skill set, let it be known so it can be taught to the group. The fundimental rule is learning. Rewards will come regardless. Experience wont.
Hard vog Psn thailando-06
Add me mookalby I work well with people who like to coordinate .
Feel free to add brother1der. Been able to do Crota multiple times norm and hard and understand the raid. Yet to do VOG, but more than willing to learn. Always looking for a steady group of friends to do the raid with.
Depending on your time zone, I'm interested! Ill friend you up later when I get home from work.
Edited by Liq4id_Prim3: 4/20/2015 12:03:19 PMAdd me please. PSN is same as ID. Completed VoG several times so know the mechanics. Although want to do it on Hard more often. Still fairly new to Crota but know the mechanics of this one too. Usually on from about 8pm week days and most Weekends too
Add macSt0ney, I'm experienced
Hey! I have a 31 hunter and a 27 titan. I can only raid on weekends, so if you're willing to teach me the skills, I don't absolutely need to be on your raid team. I would like to do crotas end in particular. Thanks -EL3CTRIC_PREADZ