So has anyone else received a nickname from their fireteam to shorten or mess with your gamertag? What are they? Howd ya get them?
Example: Most People call me Slinger or V.Z online (my gamertag is same is destiny forum name) To shorten it but an odd one ive been called in a VoG raid was Verizon, because i guy in the team couldnt figure it out during the raid (i dropped in at templar fight and he was pre occupied lol) and saw the vz, it stuck for the whole raid and anytime i was needed they called me Verizon.
I hope i get some good and funny stories guardians, so let me hear em.
Edit one:thank you for the replies and keep them coming, you've kept a house husband busy today (got sniped twice by hobgoblins during daily reading responses lol) and ive had some major lolz everyone read these responses because these guardians have been in similar or worse and it resulted in some hilarious nicknames.
Edit2: thanks for all the responses again, sorry i quit replying got caught up putting up a roof and now i dont think ill ever catch up lol
Edited by ZoniCat: 4/20/2015 1:26:19 AMthat guy (-.-) (the bad kind :p)
I earned the nickname Rambo amongst my friends due to my tendency to get in way over my head and somehow survive.
Edited by raj: 4/20/2015 1:25:31 AMI get 'rage' or 'rag' a lot lol
My gamer tag is DaEvilRrawbra and now all my friends call me rubz
People call me Sierra all the time and I absolutely hate it. Can you even read? It is pronounced Say-rah. E before I, not so hard is it. Want to change...........
- for me
We have a guy in our clan with the PSN VonMuffinMuncher. We call him Muffin. Sometimes we call him grandmaster Muffin.
Saw a guy named Abola_Deez_Nuts in Crucible. Funny shit.
"Arial" or "Shadow" My friend has it worse not gonna say who due to code of conduct
My gamer tag
Saw "Peter dragon" yesterday
Edited by fresh blood911: 4/20/2015 1:56:09 AMFresh period blood during Crota…… Edit: spelled Crota wrong lol
People just call me Gatling/Gatlinguy
One of my friends name is "Chicken Salad" completely random just "Chicken Salad"...
I've seen Gay4satan in the tower and my friends GT is NaDsatchel
Not a nickname I've been called, but I've seen someone have Dick as their gamertag Loved it, messaged the guy/girl and told them it was the best GT I've ever seen XD they said thanks lol
People just call me Egg.
I got called ghost a lot
Mine is Iwasshotdead They call me Was or Saw.
My friends call me "Swiss" because of my last name. Swist, swiss, im still not cheese (even though I love cheese)
Everyone calls me Puma
I have a friend named Scoobalu. I call him Scooby doo
Most of the folks on my team call me "poo" for short... Didn't intend for that to happen when I chose my gamer tag... Bwahaha but I can't change it now!
Edited by SergioTheSlayer: 4/20/2015 1:11:10 AMIt never fails to amaze me that people can't say this gamer tag without spelling it out loud several times. There is also a classic tag reference that I pity. Have you ever met someone that called himself Leroy before hearing about Jenkins? I've met a few, and the silence that always follows the cheer is awkward, yet entertaining.
My GT is acreepycoworker, so I hear "Hey creepy" a lot.