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4/18/2015 2:11:34 AM
Your a complete imbecile. Answer this, is a random number generator earning? If I got 0.17 KD in crucible and get TLW did I earn it? No. You got lucky. If I go AFK in a ROC strike and get any exotic did i earn that? No. Children like you on these forums don't get that earning means it has to be a guaranteed payout like a paycheck. Are you gonna go to work for 8 hours a day for a week and then you get money based on an RNG system? No, you wont. In Destiny there are few ways to actually [i]earn[/i] a gun that can be classified as earned. These are mainly exotic bounties (guaranteed payout), and Xûr (guaranteed payout), along with all those guns you get through the story missions. I look through you post and see a bunch of shit about,"Dirty Xurners didn't earn anything! I worked my arse off to get my gun through RNG!" Its so stupid to think RNG is earning, it's not. Get over yourself. I bought my TLW from Xûr and unlike you, [i]I earned it[/i]. Benjaminc888 out.

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