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originally posted in: New idea. Thoughts?
Edited by zortcommander: 4/16/2015 1:47:55 AM
As I've said before... What about gambling Player A and Player B are friends on XBox Live Player A: hey, I bet you I can get a 2.5 KD with the no land beyond in Rumble. Player B: Hah, no way idiot. I'd give you my G-Horn if you could do that. Player A: would you? Player B: Yeah, sure, whatever, it's not possible anyway. Player A: Alright, I'll trade you my No land beyond for the Gjallarhorn. Let's go into rumble, shall we? Player A and B get into a friendly competition and Player A pulls a 2.8 with No Land Beyond Player A: alright, where's my Gjallarhorn? Dilemma breaks out for player B, doesn't want to lose Gjallarhorn, but doesn't want to lose general over reacting friend that we all most likely have. If it's a jerk friend, he would get mad that there would be no Gjallarhorn for his hard work, and freaks out. For the select few that are jerks, this could be a problem. For others, just brush it off your shoulder, making a joke about your No Land Beyond being the best gun. But for the over reacting minority, it might have a few problems arise. I don't know, just a thought [spoiler]TLDR[/spoiler]

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